As the boys (and Daisy, our new dog) head out for a mid-day hike, I finally have some 'alone time', as I've missed writing this past week. School commitments continue to keep me busy every day...meetings, meetings, meetings! I just finished the draft of an article I am writing for the school's monthly newsletter (the Gallo Pinto) on the 11th and 12th grade students trip to Panama. A fascinating journey and a privilege to write.
Two 'creatures' have become prominent fixtures in our family since my last post...Daisy the dog, (of four-legged kind) and Catalina, a princess of a little girl in the boy's Kinder class.
Daisy started to show up at the tail end of my family's visit. She happened upon our house all by herself; perhaps being 'dumped' on the street. Veronica, my good friend, tells me that a lot of dogs from neighboring towns are left in Monteverde because people know there are a lot of Gringos that live here and there is a good chance that they will be given a home. So, that is just what we did with Daisy. She is so sweet, happily giving out licks to anyone in close proximity. I can 't help but think that she has, in her past, been a part of a family, as she is so loving and gentle. AND, she even puts up with the boys and all their (well, let's just call it...CONSTANT ATTENTION). Mike was quick to welcome her as a new family member, so off I hiked into Santa Elena two weeks ago to buy a collar, leash, parasite pills and flea control medicine. All that is left, is the spaying (which will be done this Wednesday) and she'll be all set. The boys and I gave her a bath yesterday - she did quite well and Michael and John enjoyed it too! We always find room on the coach for Daisy, especially at the end of the day when we read our bed-time stories. Veronica helped construct a run for Daisy yesterday, although she seems to enjoy just hanging around outside. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY DAISY! I am working with Veronica and some other community members; organizing the first, annual Pet Festival in Santa Elena, so I'll be eager to show Daisy off in May.
How am I suppose to feel when my four-year old son has his first crush? I don't remember having my first crush well into elementary school, so have times changed that much? OH DEAR! My little Michael just gooshes about Catalina. As a mom, it is endearing to watch, as they walk hand-in-hand to school, focus on completing a puzzle together or the look on her face when this 40 lb. 'linebacker to be' comes a running with a huge hug and kiss as he greets her at the pasture gate. She has been so good for both boys and now comes to play before and after school. Her aunt and grandmother work at local Co-op at the end of the street, so she can just run up and play at a drop of a hat. Her older sister and cousin also enjoy coming to play, but were disappointed when they discovered they are too big to fit in the little plastic pools for some water fun. The additional time speaking Spanish is great for the boys and they get more socialization, so it is a win-win situation. The kids enjoy a mid-morning snack of fruit and Catalina is also becoming a fan of the 'turkey, cheese and mayo' roll-ups that are the boy's faves! John is also smitten with Catalina, so I'm glad they both have a separate day at school without the other so each can have a turn escorting her to school. The trail to school has many twists, turns and steps, so I chuckle to myself when one extends a hand to Catalina or works hard to 'protect' her from any BEARS or LIONS they might encounter on the way.
Mike is working on closing out this quarter, with parent-teacher conferences next Thursday. Friday is a teacher work day; I'll be interviewing the Kinder teachers for another Gallo Pinto article, so my plate runneth over. I am also helping with the annual Caminata, Walk-a-thon fundraiser which is the biggest local fundraiser the school offers...fast approaching on April 10th. I am responsible for ensuring that all 13 rest stations along the way have folks to man them, dish out snacks and water and other essentials. The route is about 13 km and ends up in San Gerardo with a wonderful view of Volcan Arenal. Really looking forward to it - I plan on walking and will be asking for your sponsorship. If I can get about $50 in pledges, I get a free Caminata T-shirt - WOO HOO. Stay tuned.
Speaking of volcanoes, we have a week of vacation for Easter (Semana Santa) at the end of the month, first of April - we are hoping to put a little trip together to check out Volcan Poas and another one not too far from San Jose. We need to get on the planning piece....or it will never happen. I hear you can drive right up to the crater at Poas. How Cool!
I am super excited to be attending John and Amy's wedding in May - I hadn't planned on attending, but hey, your little brother only gets married once...right? We've all been waiting a long time for this - Amy is worth waiting for and we are all super excited. My flight is confirmed and I leave end of April, I am thoughtful as to how I will feel being back in the States - my first return since end of July. I'm sure there will be plenty to write about upon my return.
We are busy as ever, enjoying everything this community has to offer. We continue to miss our friends and family and look forward to spending 6 weeks home with you all mid-June.
P.S. - Thoughts and prayers for the soon to be, newest member of the Schaefer clan (that I think is due in about a month). Hope you, Carol and David, are well and enjoy this last little bit of DINKdom! Mom Schaefer - hope you are feeling better and look forward to talking with you soon!
Signed: S
OK Sally - who was your first crush?
ReplyDeleteDavid S.
Of course....you David! :)