I feel as though I am re-acquainting myself with an old friend, as I can't remember the last time I posted anything to "no bread crumbs". I have missed sitting down and writing about just about anything. This new school building project is keeping me too busy, or perhaps old habits die hard. Yes, I am a type A...Yes, I tend to put too much pressure on myself....Yes, I thrive on stress...Yes, I take pride in my work and if I'm going to do something, it's going to be the best it can be! You get the picture...right? Most of you know me and well, let's just leave it there.
Last night I gave a presentation on the New Building to the Parents (no one walked out, so I call that a good night). Actually the presentation went well, the core team was all there, the design lead gave a wonderful walkthrough of the conceptual design and the fundraising manager, a nice update on the capital campaign. Oh, one little difference I've noted working on this project, you are not handed a multi-million dollar budget like you may have been handed at JP Morgan. What, we have to raise the funds? Can you tell I am a nubie when it comes to not-for-profits! Can you take the 'corporate' out of the girl? The team is keeping a running list of all the 'buzz' words I use during our weekly meetings...'socializing, synthesizing, one-off meetings, scope, etc. are just a few of the items on the list. We all have a good chuckle over it! Daniel, a former student at MFS, translated for me as I stood at the front of the Meeting room at the School, in soggy boots, dirty pants and poncho-head/hair and delivered my update to a mix of parents; some ticos, some quakers, some a mix and other gringas like myself. By the time I walked home and in the door it was 7:45 p.m., the boys were fast asleep and Mike was busy with the dishes. Exhausted, I poured myself into my damp sheets...lovely!
I am finding my work all-consuming - I am quite sure I am letting it take priority, as I work mornings after I walk the boys to school and again in the evenings after the house is quiet. The culture is so different here from a management perspective, the Quakers invite every voice to be heard, waiting for unity. A lesson in patience for me and oh such a shift in my thinking. I find myself spending the majority of my time on communication: status reports to the School Committee, parents, faculty and to the Meeting for Business, perhaps I need to seek out a Communications Manager! Any takers? I am really enjoying the core team which is made up of north americans who have a broad range of experience and skills to bring to the table. The Director of the School is in the States right now meeting with potential donors and showing them our concept designs. Here's hoping folks like what they see and hear.
For all I know, I am in any city in America right now. Spending too much time on my computer, tracking my hours and generating lots of documentation. What's wrong with this picture?
Times are tough right now here in this little tourist town. I hear the Cheese Factory (where we enjoy treats of the ice cream variety) let 20 people go just this week while I hear other establishments are cutting back as well. I often wonder how people can afford to live in this area.
The Pulperia (market) at the end of our street is closing this weekend. I guess the store has opened and closed many a time over the last five to ten years - I certainly supported it (daily), but my visits were not enough to sustain keeping them open, The good news is that two fellows from the community are going to reopen it and bill it out as an organic whole foods market. They will be selling fruits and veggies from local farmers...heres hoping this succeeds. We visited Liliana and Gaudy today in the pulperia after school- they were busy doing a final inventory before closing up shop. Of course, the boys had to take full advantage of buying their 'last' of everything...mentos, gum, yogurt drinks - am I a push-over or what?
I did learn from Heidi today (the gal that runs the new Bellbird school beside the pulperia) that she is finalizing the schedule for swimming lessons for any interested kids in the community. Hooray! I think I am going to send the boys one afternoon after school a week. There is a very nice hotel in Cerro Plano with two pools and Heidi has a swim instructor coming from Puntarenas so boys...get your bathing suits ready!
The boys continue to enjoy school - I can't believe that the first teacher conferences are end of next week. They are enjoying lots of play-dates and having fun with their friends. So, they are growing up indeed! It has been hard going the last two weeks as the sun has not shined and the rain not let up....UNTIL today. We had a glorious day of sun until about 3 p.m., I opened up the house and worked on 'de-molding' everything. The sun came just in the nick of time as we were all getting a little stir crazy from being inside. There are just so many puzzles one can assemble, tents/forts one can build, block towers, stickers, stories to read, bead necklaces to make....well, you get my drift! With all the rain, you can imagine the state of the dirt road...horrible! Many a car has gotten stuck in the mud - the run off and erosion is unbelievable, not to mention the newly found spring at the bottom of our pasture that is gushing out right where we move through our gate and meet the road. Wow, a river in our own yard!

All roads were closed for a while into San Jose due to mud slides and bad weather. Mike actually bought some high-wattage light bulbs in hopes of getting more light in the house during these dreary days. So much for my new paint job in the kitchen, the mold has come right through again - Oh well- I'll just think of it as 'patina' :)

All roads were closed for a while into San Jose due to mud slides and bad weather. Mike actually bought some high-wattage light bulbs in hopes of getting more light in the house during these dreary days. So much for my new paint job in the kitchen, the mold has come right through again - Oh well- I'll just think of it as 'patina' :)
Funny how people remember things - a gal in the community who grew up here and moved away with her family has since returned from Tanzania and come back home to Monteverde. I remember her asking me a year ago as we stood waiting for the Independence Day (9/15) parade to start, how I was doing and was I missing anything. I had responded, "yes, I miss my church". After school today, she related that conversation to me and is interested in starting up a small women's bible study. Perhaps starting with us gals and then putting something together for kids. I smiled at her and said, "Lets do it" as I knew my mother would be grinning from ear to ear when I told her this and that likely I would be receiving lots of materials or suggestions on web site resources from her as well. :)
Fall break is upon us and Mike and the boys will have a week off starting on 10/11. We will head to San Jose for some Dr. appointments and hope to find some cool things to do while in the city. Of course, the boys are already excited about the prospect of staying in a hotel.
Colorfully clad dancers at the Farmers Market - the boys were mesmerized!
Well, my yawns are coming faster, so I will close for now! Hoping it won't be so long until my next post old friends!
Signed: S
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