We are blessed to have wonderful weather right now, 'real summer', with crisp blue sky and a gentle wind. My wet clothes THANK YOU and doing laundry is a breeze (no pun intended).
Our last two weekends have clearly been focused on fostering friendships and deepening our relationships with some very dear Tico families. For the first time in 40 something years, I look forward to visiting, sipping afternoon coffee, nibbling on a tortilla hot off the stove and listening to our friends tell stories of their youth. Very inspiring stories indeed. Never in a million years did I think that I could gear myself down into a slower speed to enjoy these types of activities; here it is all about visiting, spending time with family and friends and opening up your lives.
We spent a full Saturday two weeks ago with a family (a classmate of the boys) who have a coffee plantation and sell their coffee to local hotels, restaurants and at the Saturday Farmers Market. We visited them when the gals came to visit. We were curious to check out their farm, and Shirley was eager to practice her English, so we piled into the Gallopher and 'galloped' up to Santa Elena. The kids played while Mike and I chatted with Shirley and her husband about what they like about living here in Costa Rica and what they want (their dreams) for their children. Shirley made an authentic Costa Rican meal "Olla de Carne" which I guess would translate into "Pot of Meat", but oh was it good. Tons of locally grown veggies and of course, beef! After our tummies were full and we savored a cup of their coffee, we headed to their farm in Los Tornos (about 15 minutes away by car). Not a single inch of soil was wasted or went un-used. Trees, plants, fruit, coffee as far as the eye could see. Hard to believe that 15 years ago, the land was pure pasture. Shirley and Eulogio gave us an extensive tour, quickly pointing out the different types of trees, which trees are fast growers and how they planted the trees in strategic spots to provide natural wind-breaks. Their greenhouse was full of coffee beans drying out and in various stages of 'readiness'. What an Art farming is and such hard work! Eulogio showed us the pond that he had made in the river that marked the end of their property and said that they used the pond last Sunday for baptisms at their church. I'm sure that was quite a celebration! We ended our day at Eulogio's mom's house - she quickly invited us in to share again, another cup of coffee, as she whipped up some corn tortillas and brought out the homemade cheese from the fridge. I loved the fact that she had an-outdoor kitchen that was very rustic, all wood, table, benches, outside sink and a wood stove. A rickety ladder led upstairs to a loft should she have an unexpected overnight guest. Just into the house and around the corner, we were in another kitchen, big by Costa Rican standards. You could tell she enjoys cooking. She had corn soaking in a big plastic bin which she would later put through the grinder and use for tortillas. My spirit was full and alive when we headed back to Monteverde as the late afternoon sun began to cast shadows over the hills and meadows. Choppy, she insisted you must return to teach her English!

The next day, Sunday, we headed to Gaudy's house to celebrate (a week late) Mike's birthday. We celebrated with a delicious cake made by her sister-in-law and happy to say, that not even a crumb was left for a hungry mouse.

Raul and Mike scoped out the location for a green-house on their property as they are eager to have a place to start seedlings and grow crops and plants. This is their latest project - stay tuned for further posts as we are hoping to chronicle the construction. Before our afternoon coffee, Raul asked if anyone was up for a hike up their mountain to a waterfall where their drinking water originates. Mike and I quickly jumped at the chance. With borrowed rain boots, we headed straight up. I can say that this was quite a challenging hike as we followed the river. Raul led the way with machete in hand to cut down overgrowth that was impeding our progress. He raced up the river with us 'gringos' hobbling behind at a steady pace. Although he hikes this often, you would never know it by the richness and thickness of the forest. The moss on the trees and boulders were a thick coat of emerald velvet that comforted by hand-holds as I tried to stay vertical. After several falls (have you ever tried to hike in rain boots that are three sizes too big?), Raul handed me a walking stick just my size. We reached the waterfall and I was glad to know that we would not continue to ascend to the top, as it would be another 90 minutes and besides, I was pooped. Raul explained that everyone on the family farm received their water from this waterfall (or where it orignates at the top of the mountain). It is pure, pure, pure! We had to negotiate around all the 'mangeras' or hoses which were strung and laid throughout the forest, with each one having a starting point that was securely placed deep into water to ensure a constant H2O supply. Raul was a great guide and shared many stories of how he would find peace in the forest and would come often, sometimes packing a hammock to string between two trees for a cat-nap. A peaceful place and I could see why he liked it so much.

This past Saturday we enjoyed a school fundraiser "Sports Day". The day was sunny and warm and the turn-out from the parents and community, impressive. Mike manned the bbq, cooking up beef and chicken while I waited in line with the boys as they patiently anticipated the taste of a cool snow cone!
Sunday, we were headed down the Trocha again to San Luis. I wanted to check on Raul's mom as she is recovering from pnemonia. Raul and Mike worked all day digging holes for the wood supports for the green-house. The comradery between the two is very special. Twenty years apart - they get along famously. Lots of joking and laughter - but boy is Mike getting in a lot of Spanish! Lunch time came and we had some belly-laughs as we all tried our hand at making tortillas. Gaudy had taught me two weeks prior, so I was feeling pretty confident in my ability to present the roundest and most perfectly shaped of all. Mike agreed that he needed a lesson from Gaudy but all in all, a corn tortilla....is a corn tortilla!
Here is a sample of the very first tortillas I made - not bad huh?

The kids enjoyed feeding the pigs and collecting eggs from the chickens. Raul will spend this week looking for fallen trees in the mountain and hauling them out to the work site to make the posts! Mike's schedule only allows him to help on the weekends, so we'll likely be in the valley this Saturday.
Last Friday, I accompanied Raul and his mom to Puntarenus for a doctor's appointment. I was happy to offer our car for a more comfortable ride instead of the overcrowded bus. Raul drove as I took in the sights along the way. Puntarenus is a port town and oh so hot. We drove by the main strip of beach and one could imagine it filled with tourists and locals, with every vendor you can imagine selling their wares on the sidewalk. I was happy that I could lend my support as we went from clinic to clinic with chest xray in hand and then to see the doctor at a private practice. We arrived back in San Luis about 4 p.m. and I made sure she was comfortable and wrote down the daily regimen of medicines the doctor had given her to make sure the family understood at what time she needed to take what medicine. Finally, I am happy to hear that mom is recovering and feeling a little stronger. The family gave me many hugs and kisses and were truly grateful for the small bit of assistance I had provided. I felt priviledged to help out such a dear family friend.
I am really excited to continue working with one of the boy's Kinder teachers - we are hoping to start a church or small group here in the community. She and her family are working with a pastor of a Baptist church near San Jose and hoping that their 'mother' church in Arkansas will give him 'approval' to come to Monteverde at some frequency to give sermons and help to establish a congregation in the zone. For those of us in the community who are not Catholic or Quaker, the opportunities for traditional worship are quite limited. I love this idea as I know of some folks that would definitely embrace another alternative for worship. I had a lovely afternoon meeting with the teacher and her family two weeks ago one afternoon after school. After coffee and some chit-chat, they related to me their visit with the pastor from Cartago. We await an answer from Arkansas and trust that if this does not work out, another door will open through our continued prayers. We've also talked about starting a small group even if we can't get a commitment from a pastor to minister here. We are both excited to see where this takes us. She has graciously invited John and Michael to her home on Sunday's for a Sunday School lesson, starting small, perhaps just 30 minutes, but what an opportunity. I jumped at the chance, and after having talked to Mike, we are all for it. The boys are excited and I have great confidence in her as she is an experienced Sunday School teacher. She gave us the Spanish children's bible she read to her kids when they were young so we are enjoying these readings! Appreciate your prayers as we see where this journey takes us.
Michael and John continue to amaze me; John is fixated on his ever-growing hair and is eager to have it long enough to wear in a pony-tail. He is interested in my hair product as well; I tell him "a little goes a long way", but I continue to see little paw prints in the jar every morning! Watch out girls! I am delighted to see the interest John has taken in puzzles - it is almost like someone said "okay, I'm ready and focused on puzzles now, so bring em on". It is really something, as 6 months ago, you could not get him to sit still for five minutes, let alone focus on a puzzle for close to an hour. The wonders of natural medicine! He has been sleeping through the night now for over a month and what a difference a few zzzzz's make! After updating his doctor in San Jose, she has asked me to write a testimonial about our experience with natural medicine...I gladly accepted. Looking back, I'm not sure how we were functioning as parents, husband, wife, teacher, community member and household! Onward!
Michael is certainly the hula-hoop hero in the community. It is the first thing he picks up when he reaches the house after school. He swaggers around the entire house with this thing circling his hips. He not only is a pro at hip movement, but can now hula on his neck and his knees. Auntie Beth, he is really digging the Magic Tree House book series you brought down last month. If he had his way, we'd read an entire book of the series each night, so I need to get an agreement before the first page is read..."okay, only two chapters...agreed?" Their minds are developing at rapid speed.
We finally affixed the world map we purchased in the States onto the open wall in the boy's bedroom. Mike spends a great deal of time with them after we eat dinner (sort of a calming activity, that's our hope :) talking about far off places, asking them to point to India or Greenland. It is an awesome teaching tool (and mom is learning a thing or two about the world as well). Note the stocking on John's head - did I mention he wants to grow his hair?

Smile Pepito! (He is one of the local farmers that hikes up the Trocha from San Luis several times a week) to sell his veggies and eggs. After having heard a friend speak about some baskets he had made her, I ordered two myself. A week later, he showed up on my doorstep with hand-made baskets, good for fruit, veggies, hot-wheels - or whatever!

I continue to spend my mornings job hunting and have over 20 applications out to Hewlett Packard in San Jose. We'll see if I get any bites. I am confident something will break and that I can contribute my talents to an organization that will appreciate them. Hears Hoping! Say a Prayer!
Thanks all who sent Christmas Cards - we still have them displayed on our fridge and every time I open the fridge to pull out a cold one, I see smiling faces of friends and family!
My next project - the yearly Walkathon Fundraiser at the school - April 2nd. I'll likely manage the 13 stations again, ensuring that we have someone placed each kilometer among the 13K route to hand out refreshments, etc. Yes, you also know, that you'll probably be receiving an email from me asking you to sponsor me in the walk. I can assure you it goes to a good cause!
I am running again and am enjoying laying down my feet upon every stride on freshly grated gravel - yes, it is that time again....road repair time in Monteverde - the windows on the house shake as the tractors and steamrollers move by! Exciting place here in Monteverde!
Rosann, we received your postcard - thanks for remembering us and following our journey!
The boys working with Dad to clear some trees from the driveway - John has his game face on as he concentrates - that machete is sharp you know! Michael helps to saw down a tree....Timber!!!!!!

One final comment - check this out, Michael, John and Laundry collecting garbage in the driveway and down our private road - totally unsolicited by me! Now if I can only get them to pick up their toys :)

Signed: S
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