Tookie was enjoying himself quite a bit when Mike mentioned that we should put him up high to keep him safe from the cats! So, up went Tookie onto a pull-up bar underneath our overhang, and off went the boys to Casem to ride their bikes with Dad, while I restrung the clothes lines in the back room. There in lies the problem - WHO WAS WATCHING OUT FOR TOOKIE? I guess him taking the leap of faith and flying down to the patio didn't cross my already cluttered mind :(

All of a sudden, I heard the familiar squeal of Tookie in trouble "WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE COME ON ALREADY!!!" is what I am sure he would scream out in human talk if he could. I then came bounding out of the back room only to see Orange cat trot off into the woods which separate us from our neighbors and YES, Tookie was clearly lodged in the mouth of Orange cat. "UGH" I thought - "how come this always happens when I'm around"? I did not run after Orange cat or pursue, because I wanted to remember Tookie in all his glory (healthy and perky) and not a mound of crushed bones and feathers wafting all over Monteverde.
So, I looked around for the boys and called out, but to no avail. How was I going to break the news to the boys? An overwhelming feeling of sadness came over me as I saw them ride up the driveway with big smiles.
As I explained what happened, Mike shook his head and darted off in our neighbor's direction. Much to my amazement, Mike came across the path with Tookie cupped gingerly in his hands. He had not been lunch for the cats, he was still very much alive! Mike listened for the tweets of Tookie and found him on the neighbor's patio, with the Orange cat sitting proper in front of him. Was this truly a game of CAT AND MOUSE? What, was Orange cat just taunting Tookie or did he really have intent on eating him? Thankfully we don't need to go there!
Tookie, now the MIRACLE bird, in my eyes, was quickly checked over by us -- we administered Neosporin cream as I had donated the other cream I got from the vet a couple of weeks ago to another friend. Hey, Neosporin is a 'cure-all', so I'm sure it will do the trick.

We wrapped Tookie up in a warm blanket, as he is probably very weak, in shock and very tired from his busy day in a cat's mouth! John tucked him into the warm blanket and Michael placed a paper airplane by his side to give him comfort. We've got a heating blanket under him to keep him warm tonight.

It was just a couple of days ago that I told the boys that we would need to get rid of Tookie (in fact, I already received the okay from another family who were waiting in the WINGS to welcome Tookster into their family) as I was tired of being the only one to clean up all the Tookie poop. Well, Michael and John wanted nothing to do with relinquinshing Tookie to another family, so since then, they have cleaned up their fair share of bird poop. We have a full roll of TP readily available on the end of the dining room table just for this very duty.
So, here we are again, back in the same spot we were three weeks ago - I guess I'll spend tomorrow morning with the Vet, acquiring more oral antibiotics. Let's just say this bird has someone wrapped around it's little beak!
Prayers would be appreciated and stay tuned!
Signed: S
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