Thought I would share some quick pics of John's gymastics class at one of Monteverde's new Yoga studios. A friend of ours started it last year - and the kids (and parents) love it. John attends every week on Thursday at 3:30 for an hour and enjoys practicing his cartwheels, front rolls, balancing, etc.
Last week was a make-up class - only a few students participated as the rain and bad weather kept them from attending so Cath decided to focus the class on acrobatics. It was great fun - sorry my pics are so dark - again, I'll blame it on the weather.
Warming up before class!

John on Nicole's shoulders. Nicole is a teacher at the school and helps Cath with the class. It is great that John knows everyone in his class and the instructors.

Cath's turn to boost up John.

Learning PLANK with Nicole - OUCH!

Okay, I need something a little more challenging now! Come on gals - what ya got for me?

I think they call this the BACKWARD ANGEL...

So, you may ask what else we have been doing with our time...
Mike has been cooking non-stop and enjoying the non-gluten flours I picked up in San Jose two weeks ago. Since he is off gluten, we are enjoying his new experiments in the kitchen with tapioca, garbanzo bean and rice flours. The breads and pancakes that he is making are simply delish! The boys are enjoying them as well and I like the fact that they are eating less wheat products. We actually made a family affair out of making wheat free gnocchi with potatoes and rice flour. Not to mention the gluten free pizza crust recipe he found on the internet. We are hoping that the little organic market at the end of the road starts to carry other types of flours as there are many of us in the community that are getting off wheat. I actually think it is helping with my sinus problems. Oh, how I wish!

I finally signed up for some aggressive tutoring with a local tutor - three days a week for 1.5 hours each. It is a private session so I am loving the attention. I am focusing on other tenses and speaking correctly - I'm starting to speak a lot of Spanish at home now, so I figure I better speak correctly as to not be the demise of the boy's Spanish learnings :0
I will start to get very busy with planning for the Christmas Fair this year. I thought I'd try my hand at working on a different parent fundraiser this year, other than the Walkathon, so I (along with others on the committee) are leading the publicity component. We are hoping to secure the Gymnasium in Santa Elena (where the Saturday farmers market is held) - a BIG change from years past as the event is usually held at the school. Local artisens showcase their wares and the parents make tamales and bring other food to sell. Most items for sale are home-made and make great Christmas gifts. We will hope to pull in more tourists this year with the venue being smack dab in the middle of Santa Elena. Feliz Navidad!
Finally, congratulations to some very special people, Josh for completing Basic Training and Turning Blue! Zach, my God son, Happy Birthday and little Charlie, Happy Birthday!
Signed: S