Last week, as we crossed the main road by La Colina on our way home from school, we spied a white fluff ball in the middle of the road. You can probably guess how this story ends - Kitten makes it way to the Schaefer house (the kids will tell you she followed us home), truth be told, she had some help, let's just say by two pair of eager hands! I knew I had a short window of time to find a caring home for our new friend, before my cat allergy kicked into high gear. I made an agreement with the boys that “Snowball” (it was either Snowball or Whitey) could spend one overnight with us before she had to go. I got to work quickly, made some calls and kitty was turned over to a loving family with two little girls, who I am sure, are showering her with an abundance of TLC.
The introduction...
Come on...stop being so stubborn and say hello to eachother!

Eye Contact...making progress!

Hey, What's that White Stuff in your bowl? All I get is Papaya, Avocado, Bananas and Egg? Hello...I'll have what She's Having!

Come on over Tookie - all ya gotta do is lean over and let your beak do the work!

I guess ya can teach a Toucanet New Tricks!

Hop on Kid, take a load off!

Who has the Upper Shoulder?

One Kitten Out the door, a dozen hermit crabs Enter!
Signed: S
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