Can't believe I've been back from Chicago now for over a week - talk about a whirlwind trip. 17 hour trip there, and 17 hour trip back - oh my aching back! My biggest accomplishment had to have been the mastering of the Iphone and the Ipad! Has all this happened since I've been away! I thought to myself as my sister handed her I-pad to me..."here, try this it is really cool", thinking to myself "ya, right, another wireless gadget, just what the world needs", but boy was it awesome. I think the best part of it was having it on my lap while I sat on the passenger seat of the car last Saturday morning as we weaved in and out of streets looking for garage sales. A touch and slide of the finger and I was managing just fine locating directions for the finest sales in the neighborhood.
Here's my four day run down.
Thursday 6:30 a.m. - hugs and kisses to my three boys as I waved goodbye to them as I boarded the bus for the 4 hour ride down the mountain to the airport.
12:30 - San Jose to Ft. Lauderdale
8:20 p.m. - Ft. Lauderdale to Chicago
11:15 p.m. - Beth's House
11:20 p.m. - Glass of Wine
Looked at rental house in LaGrange
Coffee at Starbucks (with Iphone and Ipad neatly displayed on our table)
Returned to Starbucks to claim my purse I had left (not use to carrying a purse I guess)
Garage Sales - SCORE - bedroom set, a couple of chairs, lamps
Whole Foods
Good Will Store to buy Sally some non-Monteverde clothes
Barnes and Noble
Home - Wine, Dinner and Movie
Looked at rental houses in Downers Grove with Realtor
More garage sales
Lunch with a good friend in Naperville on our way to look at some beds for the boys
Purchased the two twin captain beds for the boys YA HOOOOO!
Standard Market for some wine sampling and to buy fixins for dinner
Home - Wine, Dinner, Movie
Went for walk with Beth
Figured out how to get the bedroom set into her garage
Target to buy some 'trinkets' for the kids (mom can't come back from a trip empty-handed)
Drive to Orland Park for early dinner with Mom Schaefer, Margie and Jeanine
Back to Western Springs to load up the bedroom set
Wine, Dinner
Re-invent Sally (from Monteverde mom/volunteer to Corporate 'wanna-be')
Interview suit, make-up complements of my sister
Buy train pass and ride into city
Buy umbrella - managed to leave the house without one
3 hour interview and yummy lunch (beats beans and rice)
Home, Wine, dinner and packing
Up at 3:00 a.m.
Taxi - 3:30 a.m.
San Jose Airport 11:00 a.m.
Wait for bus - 2:30 p.m.
Bus Ride up the mountain - comatose 7:00 p.m.
Home to little brown house - 8:00 p.m.
All in all, a very productive trip. Working on securing a rental house as we speak, talking with elementary school, working my way through mounds of school enrollment requirements, reviewing YMCA, park district internet sites for day camp and soccer camp opportunities. So far, Michael wants to do soccer or skateboarding camp and John gives his thumbs-up to fishing camp! Sending thank you letters out for interview, working on Visa paperwork to bring a friend over to live with us for a year to learn english and to help with the boys, purging and cleaning house for new tenants and keeping the family running!
ONE MONTH COUNTDOWN and feeling READY! June 14th here we come!
The sole photo from my trip - me and Zach, my nephew!

Signed: S

with all due respect and I do mean that as I truly respect you guys for what you did....i think its time to shut down your blog as it now appears it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with its original premise of transitioning "from suburban america to rural costa rica." You are now just one of the tens of millions of others living the grind. I wish you all the best of luck and thanks for the fun but i for one really don't need to know your captains beds, starbucks, garage sale schedule etc. Pura Vida