Diary of trailblazing through the fields and forests of life as we transition from suburban America to rural Costa Rica. Time cannot be captured nor can the clock be turned back. Life moves ahead, the choices are limitless, there are no breadcrumbs. This is a record of a rather conventional family doing something rather unconventional. Maybe you will take a walk without looking for the breadcrumbs. Please reply to any blogs and to stay connected.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Growth...and I'm just not talking about Trees!
With four days to go, Mike is super focused on getting the remaining trees planted on our land in the San Luis Valley. (Personally, I think he is avoiding having to help me pack and purge...but mom's the word okay?)
Thanks to friends and student groups from the University of Georgia campus in San Luis, we have almost 300 trees planted on our little slice of paradise!
Mike made contact with the University and arranged to have a group of students for a morning come and plant trees, and plant...they did! I think they got about 160 trees in the ground in one day. We are grateful for these student volunteers and the support of the UGA.
The next weekend, we had more help from close friends who donated their muscles to a good cause...yes, more tree planting.
I consider myself an expert now and have the bug bites and sunburn to prove it. We had a lot of fun and good laughs along the way and the three hours of planting came and went in what seemed like a blink of an eye.
How many of the 300 will actually take root and grow is anybody's guess, however we hope that when we return we'll see some growth and can take the next step to perhaps building a little vacation home of our own. Dare to dream.
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