Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meeting - How I spent my silent time

I attended my first meeting last Sunday morning at the school. It started at 10:30 and thinking I was very prompt, arriving just before then, however; there were others already deep in reflection when I entered and selected my seat. I shared a bench with Ginna and folded my hands, closed my eyes and bowed my head. This was a silent meeting, so I spent the time in prayer and did not open my eyes until the introduction of any visitors and announcements at the end of the meeting.

The first thing I did was mouth the Lords Prayer. Following I offered up my prayers of healing and of thanksgiving:
A prayer of healing for a dear friend and colleague who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. I pray for wisdom for the doctors who will operate next month and for her strength and faith and that of her family as well.

A prayer of thanksgiving and celebration for a recent engagement in the family (brother John) and a hope that he and Amy will find peace as they plough through the logistics and challenges in joining their lives together.

A prayer for myself to strive to be a patient and caring mother as I continue to transition into the role of full-time mother. Asking for guidance and calm as I deal with my boys on a daily and almost minute by minute basis and that they may feel more at home as they settle in.

A prayer for Mike as he continues to acclimate to the school, his schedule and students.

A prayer for family and friends back home and that they may continue to be in good health.

I know for a fact that I fell asleep several times as I was so relaxed, however no head-bobbing (or at least I don’t think – Note to self: Ask Ginna to confirm ☺

The children came into the meeting with about 15 minutes left in the hour. Followed by introductions of any visitors (there were a hand-full) and announcements and greeting one another. The announcements were of a wide spectrum; included below is a sampling:
• A plea for a lost Cat
• The chiropractor will be at Rio Shanti this week (Rio Shanti is a boutique, yoga, massage place between our house and the school)
• The mini-super at the end of our drive-way and across the street is finally opening today (well, it actually opened on Monday, but whose counting?)
• Puppies and kitten adoptions
When the meeting concluded, I felt much like I do after a massage (although I think I’ve only had 4 in my lifetime, but clearly remember the feeling of total relaxation and feeling like a ‘wet-noodle’. There was something very soothing about the time spent, for me, it was in prayer, for others, who knows? It was good to be there and I will return.

P.S. – Thanks to those who responded to my post “Faith-Full”, your ideas are an inspiration to me.

Signed: S


  1. Another way to use the silence (besides praying about what is on your mind--which is a wonderful thing to do)is to try to move past all the things that are occupying your thoughts and try to listen. Listen to what God has to say to you, not just talking to God. A conversation goes both ways.

    Betty Ann

  2. Hi My dear sister in response to this question you posed..(I am gather some books and stuff to send to you hoping though that these words might encourage sooner than the post service).
    “What is a Presbyterian to do here in Monteverde”?

    My sister Sally is learning…

    That what binds Christians is deeper and stronger than what divides Christians

    That our Savior speaks to her not in the hustle and bustle of doing but in the quiet stillness of His Spirit,

    That through nature He reveals His bounty and power

    That through relationships she gains insights into the soul of God and her own soul

    That truly listening is one of the most important traits out Heavenly Father offers to us and that in turn we can offer others.

    That with God’s strength she can and will conquer all things.

    Dave and I attended a Quaker church in Wheaton for the first year of our marriage we learned a lot from that experience.
    love and kisses to you and my three boys!
