Thursday, December 31, 2009
Coco the Skiddish Dog
Signed M
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas In Monteverde

A long time resident of Monteverde once told me that Christmas here is special and there are plenty of holiday activities. For many reasons it has been a very different Christmas season this year – the lack of snow, television commercials and especially gathering with the larger family. We have enjoyed a variety of music, gift giving, santa, plenty of creatures stirring, the manger scene and a beautiful tiny Christmas tree.
Stage events included saturday’s Christmas program at the meeting house, tuesday night’s family violin concert at the Monteverde Institute and last night’s performance by Seattle rock band Massy Ferguson at Bromilias. The boys appreciate the live performances and learning about the instruments and musicians.
Food events included cookie sharing feast after Saturdays program, a pig roast and BBQ Wednesday night, a pot luck at our house Christmas eve, and a community pot luck at the meeting house on Christmas day. Gatherings are attended by all ages, Ticos and gringos, long time residents and new comers, and families and individuals.
At the BBQ, Michael and I roasted hotdogs, steak and marshmallows while sipping on hot chocolate shared by Mary N. Our potluck Christmas eve expanded from a few people to about twenty five people. People brought a variety of dishes, the children played on the tree swings and hide and go seek in the dark while the adults shared conversation by candlelight on our patio. The highlight of the evening occurred when about forty carolers marched up the pasture to our house and sang a few songs. The crowd certainly brought glad tidings and cheer to all. We invited the group inside for food and hellos and smiles filled up the place. The group then continued on their eight hour journey from farm through forest to field. The boys concluded the evening by decorating a tree (branch) that Elizabeth, Johnny and Andy gave us and setting out cookies and a carrot for santa and his crew.
Christmas morning arrived and the boys were as excited as ever to find gifts under the tree. Unwrapping pads of construction paper, colored pencils, glue stick, legos and stuffed animals made their day. We ventured on to the Christmas feast and all ages grab bag gift exchange. The criteria for the gift – must be hand made. Talents abound in Monteverde and crafting with hands is a skill that many have. Gifts passed out by a Ms Santa and her helper, Wolf, included paintings, wood carvings, ceramics, stained glass, knitted vests, pillows, music, stilts, book shelves, treasure boxes, and a wooden wheelbarrow. Our boys passed on tie died shirts and in exchange received knight masks made from cereal boxes and paper.
The weather has been absolutely cooperative – 70s and clear and we are all now enjoying a little quiet time. Signed M.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Good Bye Sweet Ellie!

Have you ever lost a dog that has been left in your care? If so, you know the sinking feeling in your gut and the overwhelming guilt that leads to question "what did I do wrong?"
Some of you may know Ellie, we've blogged about her in the past - she is the loyal companion of the 4-legged variety and is part of our neighbor's family, John, Adrienne and O'deilla. John is the acting Director at the Friends School. Ellie is an elderly retriever (I think, 10 or 12) so she has clearly had a good, full life. She has boundless energy and is always full of life, whether she is snatching a snack from the boy's hands, following us to school or lying out in the morning sun warming herself. Michael and John would always feel her black coat and say how warm to the touch it was.
John and Adrienne left for the States on Monday morning about 5:30 a.m. to spend the holidays with their family. The night before, we received instructions from Adrienne; and know (from our past experience, that Ellie might not eat a lot the first couple of days). We were pleased to care for Ellie as she is no problem.
Monday morning about 9 a.m., I wandered through our yard to their house and found Ellie on her 'run', lying under their porch, listless and non-responsive. Usually, she would have been all over me, showering me with wet kisses...there were none to receive on this day. I thought to myself that perhaps she was tired and sad from the recent departure of her family.
Mike and I had a busy Monday and employed Gaudy to watch the kids as we went to the 12:30 Prayer & Share, then walked into Santa Elena for some last minute Christmas shopping and then walked toward San Luis for a dinner engagement with our friends Theo and Jude. Around noon after Gaudy arrived, the boys and her brought Ellie over to our house (along with her food), thinking she would want to be around people, especially if she was feeling sad. Just getting her to walk across their yard into ours was a chore. She was unsure on her feet and oh so slow. When she arrived at our house, she collapsed on the concrete floor and laid down. She had no affect on her face and her body language was slumped over and just so sad. Mike was shocked to see Ellie so unresponsive and quiet.
We set out for Jude and Theo's around 4:30 and left the boys and Gaudy in the pasture while Ellie slept in the house. Shortly after arriving at Jude's, we received a call from Gaudy that Ellie was very 'still' and very slow. She did manage to get herself into the kitchen and lap up some water and a bit of food. While at Jude's, we called Veronica who cares for a lot of stray dogs and has a good relationship with the Vet to let her know what was going on and get any advice about Ellie. Veronica commented that the Vet could not do anything for the dog and that we should keep her comfortable and keep her hydrated. Perhaps Ellie had been bit by a spider or snake while outside on the porch in the early morning hours? All things go through your mind. Could it be a stroke? The glossy eyes and absolutely no 'affect' reminded me of my own experience with my yellow lab at the age of 9 when he had experienced a stroke - The Jake that I knew was clearly "gone", similar situation with Ellie.
About 7 p.m., we received another call from Gaudy who told us that she was sure Ellie had passed away; another call to Veronica and into Theo's truck we jumped for the ride home. Ellie was lying in the kitchen next to her food/water bowl and after just a quick assessment, Gaudy was right; Ellie had gone to Dog Heaven. Both boys were in bed when we arrived home. Mike and I could not believe that we had a dead dog in our kitchen - what had we not done??? Another call to Veronica - after some discussion, we decided to leave Ellie in the kitchen instead of risking an animal attack if we were to leave her outside until we were able to bury her to the next day. We draped a sheet over her and prepared for breaking the news to our neighbors. Our hearts were heavy - but knew we had to pass along the sad news. We grabbed the contact info they had left for us, and placed the call. Much to our amazement, we got John on his cell phone (they were in Houston awaiting their final flight to the D.C. area), expecting to arrive at 1 o'clock in the morning...a long travel day indeed! We found out from John that Ellie was not herself the night before and was up pacing in the night; Adrienne had to let her outside a couple of times during the night. She also threw up in the early morning before they left in the taxi and headed down the mountain to the airport - so clearly she had started a decline that prior evening. For some strange reason, this gave us some comfort knowing that Ellie was 'struggling' prior to us taking responsibility for her well-being. John asked us to inquire about the process of cremation to see if that was an option for the family; if not; we would bury her in their yard in a spot; which they would designate. We decided to touch base the next day (Tuesday) after having a chance to talk with the Vet about cremation.
We found out that the only Crematorium was in San Jose (4 hours away) and that it was for people, so we may need a special permit for a dog. It could take some time - and time is not a luxury we had. We spoke to John Tuesday morning and relayed the information - the family decided to bury Ellie in the front yard, close to the road. With that said, we knew the priority task for the day.
The boys had lots of questions about Ellie but were very gentle in their communication and commented that Ellie was now with Jake. We had planned to have Stuart over to tie-dye a shirt we had bought him for a Christmas present, so while I tie-dyed the shirts on the stove, Mike, Michael, John and Stuart grabbed their shovels and started their dig! Veronica supplied lunch for us all, home-made soup and tortillas - she brought all the 'fixins' over to our house (including her pot and tortilla press and went to work in our kitchen). A welcomed surprise for some hungry workers! It took all afternoon, as they had to dig down through a lot of clay. Mike said the boys really worked hard and yelled down the hill to any passer-by on the street to let them know they were digging a grave for Ellie. Hmm - in retrospect, what must have people thought as they heard this proclamation? Oh My - should we expect a visit from the Policia? :) Four hours later, Ellie was laid to rest, Mike replaced the grass and we have been watering it religiously these past few days and will place three rocks in the middle of the grave (one for Adrienne, one for John and one for O'deilla).
Our hearts go out to them, as losing a pet is oh so difficult; especially one so gentle as Ellie. We were happy to help the family and know that we took great care in preparing her final resting place. We will miss you our sweet friend, but know that you are frolicking with others up in Dog Heaven. Rest Well!
Signed: S
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Here we Come a Wassailing

What exactly is Wassailing?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Morning Stars

Lying in bed, I listened to the sounds of the night. Based on previous sightings, I figured there was a giant moth banging itself on our kitchen window and a mouse in the ceiling chewing something and whacking its tail. There was a crack of wood and an earth shaking thump as a tree limb must have fallen and of course the crickets chirping and dogs barking. I finally arose at 4:00, put on sweat pants, a fleece jacket, slipped on my trusty rubber boots and quietly snuck out the front door. The first thing I noticed was the darkness. Without moonlight, it can be very dark in Monteverde. The second thing I noticed was the abundance of stars. Magnificent, numerous, the most I have seen from this humid often cloud swept mountain.
Straight overhead is a planet, maybe Jupiter, and to the north, the Big Dipper. I could not locate the north star (Polaris), it must be close to the horizon behind the trees. I focused upward and could see a few faint clusters of stars and wondered about the other billions that I could not see. Flash, possibly a meteor lighting the sky somewhere over the horizon. In a span of thirty minutes, there were at least ten such flashes. I saw two meteors burn up, (shooting stars) and found four human made satellites smoothly passing overhead. Two were running parallel to each other as if in a race. Satellites look just like stars, except they are moving. I have only seen them from rural places. A plane has a blinking light.
It is now 5:30, the wrens are singing and a mot mot is whooting joining a brown jay in the background. Signed M.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Weather Just Like Chicago

Weather – well. I find it intriguing. Last week, the sunshine and pleasant breezes evaporated moisture from the daily mists and humidity levels dropped to about 70%. The air actually felt dry, stars were abundant in the night sky and we had success maintaining a bonfire Saturday night. By Sunday morning things had changed. The winds started howling over the mountains and through the trees and heavy mist blew horizontally saturating everything. It must be a winter storm here, similar in some ways to a cold front in Chicago accompanied by 40mph gusts and blowing snow. Different however because the temperature here dipped only to 58 F and the winds and mist blew heavily for two days. It has gradually lightened since Monday, but it is still windy and wet, but more sunshine and rainbows now. It reminds me much of lake effect snow in Chicago with the intermittent precipitation glistening in the sunlight and broken clouds quickly blowing overhead. Our rubber boots are seeing some good use.
Sunday night, the boys and I were walking home from school after feeding the hamsters. It was dark, especially on the trail leading from the school. Michael fearlessly led the way carefully watching the path in front of him as water dripped from the thick foliage overhead. We reached the road as it turned into the oncoming winds. Pelted by the heavy mist, hoods blowing off of our heads, I felt alive, euphoric, stimulated, invigorated. The boys raised their arms, “Hello wind, hello rain!” Occasionally a car would approach us and Michael’s role was to turn on the flashlight and shine it toward the car so the driver would avoid us. John played his role by waving to each passing vehicle. Our night vision improved as we walked, as long as we were not blinded by the oncoming headlights. They recognized mud puddles to jump over and pointed to the tree silhouettes waving against the sky. They found the gate to the pasture and stopped to look at a couple of stars peaking through the clouds in the western sky as the mist continued to pelt us from the east. Our night vision was now keen enough to see a marked difference between the shades of light on the ground. The green grass appeared a lighter gray, the piles of horse manure a darker gray and the leafcutter ant mounds were black. Curious to see if the ants were active, we saw that their trails were empty but they were busy carrying soil up from their holes and building their mounds higher. The last steps to our front porch brought happy shouts of, “Mom, mom we’re all wet. Mom, our night vision is really really good. We can see everything in the dark.”
Signed M
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Have Bike...Will Pedal (Well Almost)

A well-used, red bike is now perched up against our front porch, with a very worn child's helmet dangling from one of the handlebars. Our latest purchase, snatched up by yours truly at our neighbor's garage sale last week. Both tires are flat as pancakes, but one could not resist the price tag (3000 colones), so 'trash to treasure' we hope! Perhaps all it needs is some TLC and a brief borrow of a bike pump, which our friend Veronica can supply. Otherwise, we will head into the cycling shop in Cerro Plano mid week for a quick repair. The flats don't seem to damper the boy's fun as they quite enjoy riding around the house on the yard, being pushed by either me, dad or Gaudy. Having only the one bike here, ensures the reinforcement of sharing and taking turns. Last summer, as we prepared for our move, the boys were almost ready to do away with their training wheels, so hopefully they will find their balance quickly as this new bike is of the 'two-wheeler' version. We have limited options for learning to ride here in Monteverde as the roads are all dirt and rock, so our choices include, either the flat yard that surrounds our house or chancing it on the patio which is a concrete circle outlining our house. The latter option is probably not a good choice, given the many expansive windows that butt-up to the patio - add two active pre-schoolers, the re-introduction of a bike, and well, need I say more? :) Other finds at the sale: Spiderman and Batman masks, ping pong paddles and balls and Peruvian wool sweater for me!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
School Notes
We are back, connected to the world again. It has been another busy week for me, waking up at 3 or 4AM each day to write student reports. The semester is almost over and we start our break after holiday class performances on Wednesday. I am gaining a metric ton of experience teaching math and the many ways of playing with numbers that I either forgot about or did not learn thirty-five years ago. Much of my focus has been on preparing daily math lessons for mixed levels of abilities in a 5/6 class and a 7/8 class. I also teach science daily to each of these two classes and host a 90 minute ‘minicourse’ on Thursday afternoons. The minicourse is an elective taken by each student and courses range from practical skills to sports to arts. In my classroom, we just finished our ‘science experiments’ minicourse with a curious and inventive group of 1st through 4th graders.
I decided to delay our unit on arthropods until the spring when we should see more critters roaming about. Since October, insect sightings have been low, probably normal during the rainy and cool season. Already, this week in the bright sunlight, I have noticed an increase in flying insects, so maybe chances will be better for locating juicy crickets to feed our classroom spider. Signed M
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Ultimate Frisbee

Highlights of the past 24 hours:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Christmas Preparation

It is hard to believe that Christmas is three weeks away, seriously. John and I were out harvesting another load of guyavas last weekend to make a pot of jam, we have yet to get bundled up in anything more than a light jacket and I have not seen nor heard one Christmas advertisement or song.
This is starting to change today as we prepare for school's annual Christmas fair tomorrow. I write this as our sugar cookie dough chills in the 'refri' and I think about not being in the family grab bag this year. Sad. It will be different this year, but at least I am relieved about not running to stores, and am looking forward to making gifts and having a more 'hands-on' Christmas. Speaking of hands-on, this afternoon I joined a group of parents to make tamales in the school kitchen. Tamale making is labor intensive and they are usually made for special occasions, especially around Christmas and New Years. My crew helped soften the banana leaves by scanning them over a high flame while another crew cleaned the leaves and another prepared the masa in a bathtub sized pot. Several parents brought in the prepared green beans, potatoes, peppers, carrots and cilantro for stuffing the tamales. Syria, the chief chef, gave us gringos a lesson on proper building and wrapping a tamale while other parents were now busy tying them into twin packs. The garlic hit the frying pan at 1PM and about 200 tamales were boiling at 5PM.
The boys were busy jamming on the school drum set and running in the field with some new girlfriends six years their senior. Thank you girls! Before heading home, we stopped into my classroom to feed the two new pet hamsters, mix the tub of earthworms, provide water to the spider and wood lice.
It is almost time to turn on the oven, find a suitable glass jar for rolling out the dough and a cup for cutting circles cookies. Another good thing about living here - reduced options lead to less mind clutter. Example, we don't have to think about oven temperature because there are only two choices - room temperature or hot. We don't have to dig out our candy cane and tree and snowman cutters, just use a glass or get a knife and make our own shapes. No parchment paper, no cookie rack, no sprinkles and one color for frosting - it all works fine and the cookies will be delicious. Signed M.