A brief entry before I head down to the Airport on Thursday morning bright and early…will take the four hour bus ride down the mountain and then board a direct flight to Charlotte, arriving at John’s house on willow pond about 11 p.m. Wedding bells are soon to ring for John and Amy and I can’t wait to share in their special day.
I know the housework will be left in good hands as the boys scrubbed the concrete floor in the kitchen last week and then proceeded to continue their good deeds into their bedroom. They even grabbed the toilet brush and each had a turn scrubbing out the bathrooms. Good little workers indeed.
John has been asking for a ‘little boy’ clothes line so we found some spare rope around the house and went to work yesterday; I wanted to ensure it was carefully placed in the yard as to not get in the way of bike-riding, playing tag and other activities. We had some sun this morning, so they were both eager to grab a clothes pin and get to work. They were very proud of their abilities and oh so capable! Little did we know, the rains would come ½ hour later, but it was nice to see them so interested and engaged.
I had to laugh today when the kids were devouring the left-over tuna noodle salad for lunch that I had taken to a pot-luck last night…Michael said, “Mom, God is with us”, I said “yes Michael, he is”, then John added “God is hot”, I said “really, why?”, he replied, “he doesn’t have sun-screen”. It was a great day, from sunrise to sunset…John had a great sleep and that put the day off to a great start.
As I get ready to head back to the States, I am trying desperately to grow my nails (those of you who know me), are not surprised when I say, I’m a bit neurotic when it comes to my nails, and have bitten them for as long as I have been upright. So, for the past three weeks, I’ve been growing them and using every little bit of will power I can muster up. Gaudy, the gal who helps me with the boys, has been painting them and now the boys are into painting their nails and my toe-nails (of course with their washable paint sets). We have a great time and take turns painting each other’s and comparing colors. Gaudy is giving me a pedicure tomorrow – she actually has a portable machine, so I’ll look forward to having presentable nails at the wedding. Oh, also walked into Santa Elena yesterday for a haircut and color – back to short and dark, easy, easy, easy!
Last night, we shared a lovely evening with the Guindon family who opened up their home for a potluck to bid Peter and Carol a goodbye as they are returning to the states tomorrow. Peter and Carol have been permanent fixtures at the school and within the community since almost the beginning of school. They have been so generous with their time and have been a pleasure to know – we will miss your smiling faces.
Last weekend we were invited to friends who live in Cerro Plano for dinner, homemade mac and cheese and two pies, lemon and coconut. The boys were entertained with their dog and cats and Mike’s (a music teacher) trombone – John kept eyeing the instrument so after a quick lesson and a cleaning of the mouthpiece, John had a turn at letting go of some hot air. This family returns to St. Louis first week of June and will be missed as they have been fun getting to know and have hosted the weekly “Prayer and Share” at Rio Shanti.
The Pet Festival is almost here and I am sad that I will miss the event, Mike will take the boys on Sunday – lots of activities planned, so they are guaranteed a good time.
We had a day of rain here, which is finally helping to control the pollen and dust – so we are thankful for that.
Mike has some great pics of his field trip this past week and I’m sure will share a post with you and catch you up on his camping trip to the beach.
I am exhausted and fighting a cold/sinus thing so will close this post for now. Stay tuned early next week, as I will post some pics from the wedding upon my return.
Signed: S
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