What a Saturday, just getting to the school by 11 a.m. with the boys, a backpack full of snacks, 2 change of clothes, shoes (they actually wore their boots due to rain), three cartons of juice, banana bread, laptop, DVD's and I think that about covers it....was a success in and of itself. Oh yes, the rain....I hear that rainy season officially started on 4/15, so the wet stuff is right on schedule. Very welcome as the foliage was covered with months of dust. I must say however, I am missing my flannel sheets tonight, they hang on the clothes line under the overhang, still as wet as they were when I hung them out at 9:00 a.m.
The School conducted a Workshop today; Phase II of the Listening Circles that were held back in January regarding the School's mission, vision and values. I helped to facilitate; it was a fun activity, with lots of participation from the Gringos and the locals. Mike and Gaudy provided childcare for the little ones while about 40 of us participated in individual and group activities. A full day, just returning home in time for a quick dinner and off to bed.
The Caminata (Walkathon) was held last Saturday; it was a success and I am grateful to everyone that sponsored me. We had a nice, sunny day and although I was up at the crack of dawn and at the school by 7 a.m. to prepare for Registration; I ran the entire 13K (hoping to make my sponsors proud). My run was very peaceful, up huge hills with lots of twists and turns, finally finishing at the Mirador Hotel which provided a spectacular view of Volcan Arenal. Some walked, others ran, some rode horses, others biked, Benito walked on stilts as he has for over a decade now. The clouds rolled in at the Mirador later in the afternoon, but they didn't dampen our spirits, we gathered to sing songs, listen to music and Carmen even offered massages...now how can you beat that. The founding family played a huge role (Wolfe, worked a rest-station handing out chocolates and water from the back of his truck), while Lucky, his wife, walked the entire way (I think she may have been the oldest female walker, at the young age of upper 70's..GIRLS ROCK!)
With these two big projects behind me (for the most part), I look forward to focusing my energy on getting ready to head state-side for my brother's wedding. I am very excited and look with anticipation to reconnecting with family and friends. Not to mention, having my brother married-off ---Thanks Amy!
Mike is heading to the beach this coming week (Tuesday through Thursday) for a field trip with the fifth and six graders. So, just me and the boys for a couple of days...Hey, no problem for this 'seasoned' stay at home mom now. I guess fair is fair, since Mike will have the boys while I'm enjoying the wedding festivities in a couple of weeks.
What I've noticed of late....more critters in the house, flying, crawling, jumping (on my pillow too...I might add). Just deal with it Sally!
Tomorrow, we head to the Quaker meeting at the school as I'll be helping to lead the Children's meeting - we are talking to the kids about treating animals nicely as we ready for the Pet Festival on May 2nd. Mike and I are also working with another gal to offer some more structured activities for the pre-school children who are not quite 'ready' for the children's meeting. Yes, Michael and John would fall into that category. More to come on that for sure.
Hoping to run in the El MoonRun (Carrera de la Luna ) or should it be "Luna-tics" this coming Saturday with another MFS father. 11K, mountains, happening at sunset...sounds fun!
Well, it is late and I am beat -- a few pics from the Caminata.
Signed: S
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