Two days ago, I completely went 'out of my mind' crazy as I walked out the back kitchen door only to be met with millions of big black ants. "Guys, come quick...check this out". The boys came running as we all marveled in this 'attack'...something right out of the movies. Mike did not know what he was missing as he was enjoying a quiet hour in a 'meditation' session at the local Yoga joint down the road. ..or so he thought. I did the only thing I knew how - grabbed for the broom and swept like mad. Everywhere, climbing up the walls just outside the door...few of them making it into the house, behind the refrig. What do I do next? Make the phone call to Mike or grab the camera? I opted for the phone and Mike was on-foot back to the house. Of course, he was thinking the entire time as he rushed home " Wow, I've waited an entire year to catch an 'army ant' attack and they're literally knocking at my door...how lucky could a guy get". When he arrived he was so excited and said 'well, of course Sally, these are army ants", I replied "Guess I missed the army ant training dear husband". Once I calmed down, Mike reassured me that I did the right thing by sweeping the few out of the house since they were just at the entrance. I now know, (for any of you who may find this useful) that if the ants are already in the house, just vacate your dwelling for a couple of hours and they'll clean out all the living insects, scorpions, etc. and move on. Okay, now you tell me. An hour later, as I was grabbing the last of the clothes off the line, I looked down and saw them crawling up my boot, I proceeded to run and do a bad version of a "Sally Dance." So, a nice 'welcome back' for sure. (From Mike: Sweeping the front line was right for her. For me, I would let them march right in and watch an amazing natural predation event occur in the comfort of my own home.)
I was awoken today by my boys "Mom, come see the baby tarantula that's in the kitchen"! Really, it was just hanging out in our kitchen...great! I think this just about covers the insect invasions of this last week.
We've enjoyed some sunny mornings, at least enough to dry our shoes each day! One of the photos shows an array of items lying under the mold killing sunlight. We have bleach cleaned books, blocks, backpacks and will store unneeded things in plastic tubs or bags to keep the mildew away. We are delighted to have a new shelf over the desk in our bedroom. Melvin (the school's handyman) showed up earlier this week to build it on site. Mike helped and learned some of the tricks of the trade. The best thing about this shelving unit is that a single, naked light bulb now hangs from it (and for those of you that video Skype with us) know that this is a GOOD thing....Let there be light!
People are starting to return to the moutain with school starting in a little over two weeks. Mike is over his stomach crud (thankfully it was the 24-hour type) and has been spending some time at school. I have enjoyed my early morning runs and am feeling some relief from my injured thigh. If I ever doubted this was our home, I have no doubts as I wave to friends and acquaintances as I jog by shouting "pura vida". I am now laid up with a bad sinus infection with hardly a voice - three weeks and I finally popped the antibiotic that my doc gave me back in Chicago yesterday. Heres hoping it is fast working.
We enjoyed playing with Veronica's dogs as we had to bridge a gap between when her dog sitter left and she returned from a month in the states. We were greeted by six dogs who were happy to see us. They frolicked in the pasture and tormented the horses, thankfully no trampling occurred.
The boys have enjoyed constructing an airplane in the front yard and we have spent much time re-enacting our flight back to Costa Rica. I usually play the high-stress role of the air-traffic control tower and simulate the turbulence....I'll leave that one to your imagination.
The boys are enjoying the finger paints (thanks Choppy) and we already have new art-work adourning the living room wall. I had to pull all the old artwork off the walls at it was a haven for spiders....YUCK
As I close this post, the boys are making pancakes (bananas and mango) in the kitchen with dad. It is the first Sunday of the month, so that means "Pot-Luck" after the silent meeting for worship at the meeting room at school. Doubtful I will make this but the boys may go which means rest time for me.
We are looking forward to this coming weeks performance of "Oliver" at Bromelias. The rehearsals are fabulous - we can hear them as we are only a stones throw away from the venue - so we should be prepared to step in as an 'under-study' should the need arise :)
To all that have supported the readings of this blog, THANK YOU for following our journey. I appreciate your comments and advice along the way!
Over and Out.
Signed: S
Glad you are writing again and providing us with "tastes" of Monteverde. We'll have been back two months tomorrow. I'm finally beginning to feel settled back in and am actually looking forward to starting back to work on Monday. We love and miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear from you Maria - We miss you all very much and I was just thinking of you today as I headed to the clinic in Cerro Plano in hopes of getting over this 'crud' I have. Enjoy getting back into the swing of work. I'll try and keep the blog current, posting at least weekly. Peace and love to all. Sally