I must admit, I was a little apprehensive earlier this week as I loaded my family onto the 4 p.m. bus into Santa Elena for the boys first dental appointment. I think I was more nervous then they were…”Would it be a knock down-drag out as to who went first, would they ‘accidently’ bite the dentist, would they run for the hills screaming or would I just rely on knowing my two boys and hoping the talks we’d had about the dentist would be enough to calm their butterflies? Lucky for us, the office had a nice play ground in back which kept the boys busy as Mike completed the paperwork. The dentist, Susana, was so caring and took pleasure in reviewing the Barney book which walked the kids through what the procedure would entail. Both boys were so well behaved, and so enjoyed the pink solution she coated their teeth with to highlight the troublesome plaque covered areas…OH MY! Of course, Mike brought the camera as we wanted to record this memorable moment. Not only is Susana a skilled dentist, but she is also quite the talented balloon artist. Both boys walked out with a sticker and a balloon animal, giraffe for Michael, elephant for John. Unfortunately we need to return for some fillings but nothing too serious. The culprit: Could it be the fact that they enjoy more sweets here than in Chicago….I’m almost sure of it!
The army ants are still hanging around and after a discussion with a friend of ours, I will welcome the next time they come knocking. Perhaps a ‘come hither army ant’ song and dance is on order by yours truly. Mills, our friend, said it beats the Orkin man and usually they are in and out in a couple of hours….okay, I’m convinced. We also have a small ant problem inside the house – Unsuccessful in finding Borax here, Mike concocted his own solution, part honey and part laundry detergent. A few dabbles on the counter and never have I been more fascinated to watch an ant’s demise unfold. Would they approach? YES, however, immediately most of them would shuffle backward (quickly), it was simply amazing, some would actually succumb to the sweet smell and dive in. I delighted in watching the ants fight through their neurological discomfort. Perhaps the army ants would ferret out their colonies and have them for lunch so to speak! Had to include this nasty pile of what looked like "magets" or larva of some sort, curled up in a ball on our porch...very active, perhaps some mating thing - YUCK!
I trudged to Cerro Plano today to see Dr. Johnny as a week on antibiotics from a nasty sinus infection, is hardly providing any relief. Been battling this since Chicago where I saw my doctor and finally filled the antibiotic and started taking it last Sunday. This illness has not only robbed me of my voice but also zapped me of my energy. Dr. Johnny confirmed the antibiotic was working but sent me to the Pharmacy for a decongestant…18,0000 colones to see Doc Johnny, then onto Santa Elena. 13,000 colones, about $23 for 8 tablets of Claritin D – Only having 30,000 with me, I had just enough to get the medicine, but realized I would have to hoof it back home on foot (no money left over for a taxi home). I met Mike and the boys at Megs as she had called and invited us over to celebrate Chako’s 5th birthday. The boys had a great time and you can be sure they are enjoying their goody bags. Choppy, we wrapped up one the airplane model/paint sets you gave us 'for a rainy day' which was the perfect gift. The boys made their own wrapping paper and voila – a perfect little birthday gift emerged! The second airplane will be perfect for Laundry’s upcoming 6th birthday.
What am I reading these days? I am enjoying one of the books I picked up in Chicago – “Raising your Spirited Child” by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka – I guess you have figured it out, I have two very spirited children. This book is so upbeat and focuses on all the positive and endearing qualities of what I use to call my “strong willed” children. I am learning how I can better help my introverted child recharge his energy supply and at the same time support my extroverted child as well. I’ve had some very ‘ah-hah’ moments as I flip from page to page – so $14.99 well spent.
Dinner Theater - Schaefer Style - Mike and I were entertained last night after dinner by the boys, as they sang and performed, continually reminding us that they are ‘actors’ and we are the audience. Everything from who can sing Jingle Bells the fastest to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and closing with a rendition of The Bonnie Bonny Banks of Loch Lomond. For those of you that are of my vintage, equate it to the Carol Burnett Show. Quite the variety and so many laughs. I have never seen my John so animated and free – it was a delight. Michael ate it up and made great use of all the ‘props’ in the house. The next performance is sure to be as comical.
I have yet to delve into the New Building Project, heck, I haven’t even made it up to the school yet. Still waiting for my energy to return –here’s hoping it does tomorrow as there is an all-day “Clean the School” activity tomorrow.
Mike and I visited with Heidi (the owner of the Bellbird School) beside Casem this week. I think the boys will benefit from taking a special class or two there; they offer so many (drums, piano, karate) would love to get them into swimming if there is room. Poco a Poco Hotel (which we use when we need our ‘swim fix’) is going to be the venue for the swimming activity – so we’ll wait to hear back from Heidi on the cost. They also have an afternoon 1 to 5 program where the boys could get a taste of lots of things, cooking, drama, music, art – so we are thinking that one of two afternoon’s might work. Certainly we want to reserve time for play-with Gaudy and exploring with mom.
Despite the afternoon rains, the main road that connects the Reserve to the Cerro Plano is being repaired and that means, lots of heavy equipment that makes the earth (and our fragile windows) shake! There is something clearly different this time around opposed to the previous times when they have repaired the road. I guess if I had to use one word to describe it, it would be precision – the material is probably the same, but so much more like powder (ground up) instead of the big stones they used last year. Some seem to think they are preparing the road for pavement; I’m not so sure! What I can tell you is that, from an adult perspective, it is so much more of a pleasurable experience riding in the back seat of a taxi now! The boys, not sure they’d agree with me. Can’t wait to feel well enough to put my runners to the road.
Mike continues to gear up for school, however he’s taken advantage of some opportunities that he’s created for himself – meeting up with a independent researcher to study epiphytes and this morning, meeting a group of students from Bank Street School in NYC. I’m sure my account of his experience would not do it justice, so I’ll leave the writing to Mike.
Mike is super excited about making his own yogurt with a little ‘starter’ help from the Cheese Factory. Not just the Keifer yogurt, but real yogurt (that the entire family enjoys☺). The kids have a real hand in it and I have to laugh when I see the tub of hot milk with some starter yogurt in a plastic tub inserted into another, larger tub, hugged by an old heating pad and wrapped in dish towels.. Who am I to complain, with a little vanilla added at the end, it is quite yummy atop some pineapple or mango!
I think I posted this on Facebook but forgot to mention it on my last entry in the blog. A little over a week ago, one of the bridges on the main road from San Jose to Monteverde and other tourist spots, collapsed due to rain and weather. Choppy, Poppy and Beth, if you’ll recall where we stopped and waited for the boys and Katya on our way to Quepos - I think we could see the Rio Seco from La Cuenca. Apparently when the bridge collapsed it also took with it one of the primary cables that provides internet to the mountain. We were without it for about two days. Not only this, but folks that were travelling by bus, had to get off the bus on one side of the bridge, carry their luggage across the river and then board another bus – I’m sure there were lots of wary travelers who after awaking in the early a.m. to fly all day didn’t bargain on this ‘extra adventure’ but, as my boys say….’that’s life’!
And, yes this is Benito Guindon with a baby porcupine. You never know who or what he'll bring to a Pot Luck!
Signed: S
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