The stars are indeed brightly shining! The days continue to be blustery with mist and sun but oh the nights are filled with a sky painted with brilliant stars.
Christmas Eve found us busy decorating the Meeting House at the school in preparation for the Christmas Day festivities. I took the kids with me and they were a huge help, picking out ornaments, adorning the window sills with pine branches and selecting paper cut outs of snowflakes to decorate the windows. After three hours, our job was done...and well I might add! I spent the entire three hours humming and singing Christmas carols, with clearly "The Little Drummer Boy" being a favorite. The others on the decorating committee put up with my singing and were good sports as, what's that saying..."a little goes a long way". Back home with enough time to put the finishing touches on our gifts for the Christmas gift exchange, make more candied almonds as a hostess gift for our evening out and bake glazed carrots to take to Marie-Cecil's for a pot-luck feast. The gathering was festive and the kids were certainly geared up for Santa's arrival. Jeff and George (friends that live just up by the Cheese Factory) heard me relating during the decorating earlier in the day how much John enjoyed "The Little drummer boy" movie and how inquisitive he was and still is about the story and everything that happened to Aaron (the little drummer boy). Jeff called us that afternoon and offered a set of drums to us that they no longer use, thinking it would be a great gift given the story I had shared that very same morning. We figured out the logistics at Marie-Cecil's and they did the drop off shortly after we got the kids down on Christmas Eve. The boys were delighted on Christmas morning, especially John, who shyly grinned as he looked up after singing and drumming his favorite Christmas tune. What a generous gift from Jeff and George.

Christmas morning was, as you can imagine, filled with lots of excitement and questions about "How did Santa know I wanted....". Thank you Poppy and Choppy for the wonderful gifts, the creative crafts for the boys and the new watches. They are always eager to tell time and I make sure I ask them each hour "what time is it?". They love their 'big boy' watches. I love my new fleece which I am already breaking in and sleeping in on occasion.

Mom Schaefer, Ellen and John, your gifts arrived two days later, so we again enjoyed Christmas and the boys were delighted with the thoughtful gifts. Mom, we love the used books - what a nice addition to our somewhat stale selection. We have already read "Boogie Bones" ten times over. The Christmas ornaments are great and add a touch of "formality" to our Christmas tree. The animals and activity books are perfect - loads of fun and enjoyment coming our way. The boys LOVED their lanterns and can't wait to take them along on their next night-hike - what a clever idea! Of course, the pancake skillet goes without saying, "the perfect gift" and yes, we've already used it! THANKS to all for remembering us on Christmas!

Off to the School for the Christmas Day activities. Heading down the road with John, hoping not to drop the Planter work of art that the boys took great pride in painting!

The food was great, the fellowship welcoming and Santa's visit (by our good friend, Theo) perfectly timed. Imagine him riding up on his bike with a bag full of candy for the little ones. All he had to do was mutter "Merry Christmas" and all the kids were onto him - but what fun!

So many great hand-made gifts (the criteria for the gift exchange). Lots of craftsmanship, stained glass, wood carving, photos, paintings, hand-made chairs - all very unique and made with love. Perhaps the most touching of all gifts was the one recited by Guillermo Vargas (who picked Wolf Guindon's name). He wrote a very heart-felt letter to Wolf. He manuevered himself through the maze of people in the meeting room to position himself right infront of Wolf as he spoke so eloquently from his heart. The letter was very intimate and a tribute to Wilford's contribution and commitment to Monteverde as a community. Wolf was deeply touched and I'm sure, will take this memory with him through his remaining days.

The boys loved their gifts, Michael's teacher (Miss Elieth) hand knitted him a hat and scarf, probably thinking that the Schaefer boys could use some extra layers as they come bounding into the classroom on these cold and blustery days with just shorts and a t-shirt, while other kids are fully clad with hats, scarves and gloves! John received a tie-dyed shirt, a hand painted frog pendant and a leaf bookmark. We are busy making thank you cards for all the wonderful gifts received. Here, John is sporting Michael's gift as they hang with their new friend, Lucas!

We enjoyed a great hike in the Reserve with Wendy Rockwell and her two grandchildren (Anthony and Camilla). What a great way to spend our 7th wedding anniversary. Oh what we've done in 7 years! I am lucky to have such a great husband and family We bundled up and squished into Wendy's Tuk-Tuk for the 4 km uphill climb to the reserve. We ended up taking an epic three-hour hike - parts of the trail were all mud and up-hill (my legs and knees still feel it). We were covered in mud upon our return, but boy did we feel like accomplished hikers. Little Camilla (2 1/2) was a real trooper, after hiking all but the last 3/4 of a mile, I scooped her up and she was out on my shoulder, drool and all in seconds!

Last night found us opening up our home to seven folks from Global Volunteers organization who have been working at the local Woman's Coop (Casem) at the bottom of our road. We befriended one gal from Chicagoland the other day as she wandered into our backyard as I was hanging out laundry and we got to talking. Roseanne is a lovely gal and it was comforting to hear that Chicago accent. Mike quickly befriended the gang and invited them to share dinner at our house last night! We invited Veronica and Stuart as well and what a great evening. We celebrated Stuart's 8th birthday with the pineapple cake the gang brought with them...dessert compliments of Stella's Bakery! Roseanne had found a last box of Frango mints in her suitcase with a picture of the Chicago skyline - so naturally she saved it for us - so sweet!

Today we were treated to lunch at Debbie and Evan's - they arrived in September. The boys had fun caring for their two puppies that they are fostering and spending time with their two girls. Thanks Sasha for the hand-made sea-shell turtle and lizard.
We are relishing our family time and sharing with friends. We are enjoying more sleep these days which as you can imagine, makes for a happier household all around! I imagine tomorrow will find us making a list of supplies we need for our zip line and perhaps making plans for New Years Eve! Another year is upon us...what choices and decisions lay ahead...I'm excited to find out! Are you?
Signed: S
Hello. Thanks for the blog. It's been a fascicating read for me as I've read all from start to finish over the last week or so. I'm new to Monteverde- a Peace Corps Volunteer (as I like to say a 'mature' volunteer- recently retired at 50 and starting a volunteer journey). I'll be here for 2 years and live in Santa Elena. We have a Chicago connection as I was raised in Naperville and my wife and I (and our girls) lived in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn and Naperville. Would love to connect with you. My cell is 8737-9206 and e-mail is bmerry0001@aol.com. Cheers, Brad M.
ReplyDeleteBrad - great to hear from you and thanks for following our journey, I'll send an email to you and yes, lets connect! Sally