A quick note about Punta Uva - Although we only spent two nights, it was well worth it. The Caribbean coast certainly has a totally different feel from the Pacific Coast! Personally, I loved it! I loved the fact that it was not so over-developed and the streets were full of bike riders on old rented bikes ( you know the ones, with the baskets in front)! The cyclists certainly outnumbered the 4-wheel drive vehicles. We bunked at Selvin's Cabins which was tucked in just off the main road - we had a two bedroom cabin, little kitchenette and a great veranda to play a mean game of cards or just relax in the hammocks after fighting the waves all day. The walk to the beach for short and quiet!
Michael and John spent every minute they could in the waves, body surfing, building sand castles and snorkeling.

Wasn't it Jack Lalane who did his workouts on the beach? Good form Michael! Keep that bottom down now! :)

Lucky ducks - I think I was well into my teens before I snorkled in the ocean. We headed to Cahuita which is a just north of Punta Uva, hired Ernie and his crew and piled into the boat for our first family snorkeling experience. You would have thought the boys were ole pro's - hopped right off the boat and into the ocean! Getting my leg up over the boat and making a graceful plunge into the water was not how I remembered it as a 16 year old - but hey, I managed to fling myself overboard and keep everything intact (if you know what I mean)! After the initial challenge of water continually leaking into John's mask (oh that hair, trying to get it just right so the mask fit okay) was exhausting in and of itself - but we figured it out and we were off on our adventure. It was awesome sharing this experience with the boys, there I was, in all my snorkeling gear, holding onto Michael's hand as we manuevered through the salt water, our guide pointing out Lion fish, tropical fish of all colors, different types of coral and all sorts of sea urchins. Simply, in a word....AWESOME, as the boys were quick to say!

We decided to be dropped off at Cahuita Point and hike the 2 1/2 miles back through the reserve to where we had parked the car! We were pooped by the time we found the Galloper and treated ourselves to a cold ice cream. What a work-out!
It was a super fun time, although short - well worth the six or seven hour drive!
Punta Uva - Put it on your Bucket List!
Signed: S
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