For all of you reading this, for goodness sakes, I really hope you can't smell the garlic spewing out of my pores. I mean, really, how much longer do I need to keep this on my "Sally's food staple" list? So, for those of you that are on Facebook and have seen my posts over the last 14 days, I am STILL struggling with a sinus infection and cough. Enough already! Anyway, still using the natural remedies I picked up from the Macrobiotica over a week ago, but it wasn't until last Friday night, as Mike and the boys were making pizza and deciding which condiments to use, did I say "Hey, toss me over a clove of raw garlic". Down the hatch with hardly a wince or a watery eye. "Another please"! I had heard frequently from others here in the community that garlic is good for what ails you, so it couldn't hurt....right? I then proceeded to spend an hour googling the benefits of garlic and how so many sinus sufferers have used this for its natural antibiotic elements. Wow, that was enough to convince me and if I could rid myself of this infection without the 'normal' antibiotic route (which is oh so familiar to me...twenty years on antibiotics and steroids and three sinus surgeries later)....I'll try anything. Almost immediately, I started to feel better and continue to do so. Still only about 70 %, but went running for the first time in almost three weeks and I didn't collapse on route. I really missed being able to run so I managed to run about 3/4 of my usual route without too many adverse effects. So, stay tuned as I continue this natural treatment - just stay your distance :)
Another busy week...aren't they all. We took in the Organic Gardening Workshop on Saturday with our friends Veronica and Stuart at La Creativa School in Cerro Plano. It was a beautiful day - Mike attended the workshop and took copious notes as I watched the boys in the playground. Lately the sky has been a brilliant blue...so crisp - a beautiful contrast against the fluffy, white clouds. Mike came bouncing down the hill at the school with bags of seedlings and lots of 'earthy' ideas. Lots of time spent in the garden this weekend, planting and preparing the compost. We also inherited a banana plant from Amy Berg who we saw on the trail to school this past Sunday. She walked by us holding two plants as tall as the boys. "Hey, do you guys want a plant?", she called - "these are too heavy for me to carry all the way home". With that, we headed home and made sure we could accommodate this fruit bearing tree. Not sure we'll still be in CR to reap the benefits of this plant, but it certainly has captivated the attention of the boys.
I spent a couple of hours in a meeting later that day, finishing up the School's mission, vision project. Mike continues to counsel the boys on using the little saw we have so we can have firewood for our campfires. I've never seen two little boys so focused and determined. (Determined not to cut their finger off that is!). Really, Mike is right there supervising...promise!
Sunday, Mike filled in for Theo and lead the Children's meeting at the school. I laid low at the house and entertained the boys.
Monday, I had a Fundraising Committee meeting where the agenda quickly turned to the construction of the new building. The school is recommending that a dedicated Project Manager be assigned and my name was thrown into the hat...after all, I am a certified PM and my PDU's I need for continuing education to keep my certification current aren't exactly piling up...So, here I am faced with a decision as I just got off the phone with the Director of the School. The position is mine if I want it - I would be compensated, CR pay scale and have an opportunity to select members of the team. As I look back on my career, I have, on numerous occasions asked myself, why is it that I get little satisfaction or have little passion for making corporate america richer. So, managing a project for a not-for-profit could perhaps provide me with a different experience in contrast from the many years where I was...shall we say, less than inspired! Mike and I agree that I should find work next school year, on a part-time basis to help off-set the expenses here. I have plans to network with some colleagues while I am back in Chicago this summer and perhaps would be able to do some part-time consulting earning American dollars. So, where does that leave me? My boys will be in Kinder next year, attending school every day, from 8 to 12. I have also secured Gaudy to help me each afternoon, so indeed, I would have time to devote to the school, as I have done this year. Managing a project such as this would look nice on my resume when the family transitiions back to the States. Am I ready to get back into this type of work? Isn't this type of work that which led me to get out of corp. america in the first place? So, lots to think about as I consider this offer.
Finally, really looking forward to seeing family in another 5 weeks. School is out on 6/2, perhaps a quick vacation to the Caribbean side and then off to the airport on 6/17. We look forward to seeing everyone really soon. Michael and John are super excited to see cousins, swim in pools and buy 'little boy' watches. The ones I made for them Sunday out of cardboard have seen better days and they didn't quite get the fact that it was perpetually 12:30!
Time to grap a towel and breathe in some type of tincture I purchased to help open the ole bronchial tubes.
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