Skip to the second paragraph if you don't want to read about the weather! You know I love weather phenomena, so of course I get excited with a week of straight rain or "luvia general." A few days with downpours followed by a few more days of constant rain dumped a total of 31 cm or 12 inches of measurable precipitation in one week. Each morning and evening, we check the rain gauge and record the amount. Yesterday, Friday, the clouds parted for three separate precious moments. Students reached arms out the windows to gather some warmth, adults rushed outside to generate some vitamin D, jubilation and song broke out during our 8th grade math review. The Chicago forecast called for a week of sun and 70's. Yes, the tables have turned a little, we have sent some warmth north, but I cannot complain about temps here. Even when it stopped raining, the clouds (we do live on the edge of a CLOUD FOREST) keep things at 100% humidity. They roll in through the trees and their moisture gets trapped on the leaves and it rains under the trees! Cool stuff.
So does life move on? Absolutely! There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing, and here people don't worry much about clothing. Some people are covered in rubber, some in dripping cotton, some use umbrellas, or 'paraguas,' hiking boots, sandals, no shoes - it all works. After all, its only water and we have an oven to dry our things. Caution: Due to no temperature control on this oven, be sure to rotate your items every 5 minutes. Do not place articles made of polyester, nylon or other synthetic materials. You may experience mild smoke or flames. ACME ovens de Central America is not responsible for melted or charred personal items.
One moisture related problem we have discovered is the ability of mold to grow on surfaces. We have two leather planners- both fuzzy and discolored. Backpacks and jackets that gather mist for days straight look dirty, but its not dirt. Yesterday, Sally pointed out that the wooden patio table was succumbing to the elements- sure enough, coated with a cloud forest grey powdery sheen.
The skies are blue this morning, the sun's rays are warming the yard, you can be sure a load of laundry will be hanging from the lines within an hour. Signed M.
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