As I write this, I hear the pitter - patter of rain on our roof and thunder looming over the mountains...yes, more rain! The oven is becoming my best friend as it drys our clothes in no time. Although we had a smattering of sun this morning, it is barely worth the mention. The rain boots I purchased in Chicago prior to our move are finally getting put to good use! For those of you that have been following our journey from the beginning - you may recall that back in July, Mike posted "Soggy Bread Crumbs", so this is a play on that initial Blog Title. We attempted to get some shots of the mist floating into the kitchen, but like a ghost; almost impossible to capture the image.
We laid low this weekend as the boys are still with colds - we split the boys up on Saturday - Mike and Michael ventured to the Farmers Market while John and I went to the play-yard at school. We made our first pizza this weekend (actually three) and can proudly boast....they weren't terrible!
Sunday, we were invited to share lunch with one of the Spanish teachers at MFS and her family. They live in San Luis where their house sits on a lovely piece of property. The hospitality was top-notch; the lunch, excellent and the time relaxing and conversing with others..priceless.
OH - a big thank you to Aunt Sandy and Uncle David for the packages...we love everything! I am enjoying the tea as it soothing for my scratchy throat. We love the Kids music CD - we've listened to it countless times already. They broke open the paints ASAP and the creative juices were flowing immediately. The boys love receiving packages; I wish I could capture the excitement and anticipation in their eyes as they clutch the packages tightly on the walk home from school (frankly - I've never seen them walk so briskly). Also thanks to Poppy and Choppy for their packages as well (the second one arrived today). Such comfort!
Not much else to report - missing family and having some bouts of homesickness (I'm quite sure the rain is not helping the situation but this too shall pass) :)
Signed: S
Hi Sally, Mike, boys,
ReplyDeleteIt's the Schloegels (Judy). We're thrilled to see/hear about your awesome new life. We miss you.
Could you please email me? jjschloegel@comcast.net I'm afraid I don't have an email address for you.
Besides having a direct link with you, I'd like to touch base with Mike about his interest in a collaborative learning project with the students at Prospect School (he had indicated an interest in doing something like this with a D181 school before leaving.)
Hope to hear from you! Judy
p.s. when are you coming over for dinner?