With the third or fourth day of straight rain (I’m really trying not to count), I broke down this morning and popped a Veggie Tales DVD into the portable DVD player that Dunkie (my brother) had given us as a family gift prior to leaving the U.S. – It has been collecting dust in our Safe for three months. Dreary days, rain, mist and more rain and two kids with snotty noses – a morning movie sounded too good to pass up.
Michael stayed home from school yesterday as he has a terrible cough – Mike hurried home to collect John during his lunch hour and walk him up to school – I think he is getting sick as well, a day or two behind Michael…oh joy. One can do so many crafts in one day. Yesterday Michael and I must have done about three hours of reading, crafts, paper airplane making, sticker books, brain quest workbook and practicing our letters. Keeping a little mind engaged and active is exhausting work. What a difference it makes spending time with just one child. I delighted in being able to devote my entire ‘self’ to Michael – He is such a character and what an inquisitive mind. Dee Dee – if you are reading this, I am convinced he and Miss Cande have a blood relation as some of his expressions and phrases are dead ringers for her. John bounded in the door with Mike about 4:15 and the boys were wrestling in no time. Poof, the three hours of one-on-one time gone in a second. I am hoping both boys will be well enough to go to school on Friday – we’ll see!
After staring at our still-soaking laundry for the third day as it continues to hang out on the clothes lines under the over-hang, we turned on the oven this morning to complete the drying process. No fires to report, so a great alternative during the rainy season. Even though the rain is depressing and dreary, it is so needed. We are so dry here – to the extreme - so we are thankful for the moisture. UGH, if I am fretting over 1/2 a week of rain already- will I be ready to throw myself off a waterfall by the end of November???
John, the MFS Director, approached me earlier in the week - he asked if I would be interested in being on the school’s Fundraising Committee. I replied, “Yes” and told him I would re-acquaint myself with the school’s goals, objectives and mission statement to ensure that the fundraising efforts are tailored and suited to support the mission statement. I am hopeful I can put some of my PM skills to work. More to come on this, but I am excited to get involved and ‘spread my wings’.
Other tidbits this week:
Two horses grazing in our pasture, the boys have enjoyed petting them and stuffing them with guavas.
Boys enjoyed Goudy's new little puppy "Bambi" - she brought him with her for a visit this week - a little fluff ball.
Robin, I have two messages into Maggie – spoke with Lidier yesterday and Marta this morning – Maggie was out both times I called, but I know Mike spoke with her quickly yesterday at school. I’ll keep trying to connect with her (our phone only functions when it wants to – so perhaps she attempted to call yesterday and I just missed her). If you chat with her, please encourage her to stop up anytime; just tell her to have an open ear and listen for the screams and hacking coughs coming from beyond the pasture across from Bajo del Tigre. :)
All for now
Signed: S
Sally - I hope Mag finds you. I have heard from Curtis that things are going better for Mag - She was to visit with Tim and Elena today -
ReplyDeleteI felt a lot better knowing there were good friends- some I have not actually met in person - who were available to offer support if needed. I know I needed it - thank you again -
Reading your posts about how busy the boys are reminds me that when Mag and Pack were little it felt like I would go to work to rest!
Love, R
OMG I can almost see you salivating over the chance to perhaps work up an excel spreadsheet of fundraising goals. At least there is the opportunity for you to feel "valued" in the work environment. Are you really surprised you miss work? That has been your identity for sooo long, it will take some time for snotty noses and crafts to fill that void where full time parent becomes your identity. The praise and recognition for parenthood won't even start to come for many many years. Believe me! Hang in there Gleebs it is worth it and if you could find some part time consulting you will be "golden". With Zach turning 20 tomorrow there are times I'd like to rewind the clock for a week or so, and find the most tasking chore of the day putting together a hundred plus lego project, or putting bandaids on scraped knees. I do always think of you when I see the Metra winging its way to Chicago. The grass is always green on the other side of the pasture!! Be Well!
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could take this opportunity to explore what identity really is, and how your real soul and spirit is deeper than a changing identity. Real, deep peace cannot come from the small, temporal self. Have you read A New Earth yet? You pushed so hard for the situation you now find yourself in. Perhaps it was for a higher purpose, and you now have a tremendous opportunity to really break away from the ideology that keeps so many people in cycles of suffering their whole lives.
ReplyDeleteI'm still working on it too :) There are many moments when I feel the same
So much love
kelli mae
Hi Sally:
ReplyDeleteColleen took a long time to become a "full-time" mom after a pretty hectic work life and an abrupt stop.
Don't fret the changes, they are part of the adjustment. Perhaps this is a chance not for the world to adjust to Sally, but for Sally to adjust to her world?
Peace, prayers and blessings.
David S.