Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gripe - I've Got It & Don't Want It!

Gripe - Influenza, Flu

I've got it, don't want it - seems like the entire town of Monteverde has it/will get it in a few days or just got over it.  Well, in my case, it is actually not the flu, more like a cold, swollen glands, cough and sinus pressure, but I think here in CR, 'gripe', pronounced like 'greepay' covers all of the above.

Will post again tomorrow as I need rest.

Signed: S

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sally:

    This new flu doesn't always have the traditional flu symptoms. What you describe is right on the mark.

    Good luck - lots of liquids, eat as much as you can and wash your hands constantly.

    There's not much else you can do.

