Thursday, November 12, 2009

Delicious Home Cooked Support

Yesterday after school, the boys and I stopped at the Sue and John's house - neighbors across the road. They are a sweet elderly couple who moved here from the States about 30 years ago. Their son moved here from New York City a few years ago and the three of them are very involved in the community. Sue invited us over to pick up some 'hands' (what we call a bunch) of bananas from a their racimo of bananas. The racimo is the true bunch of 100 or so bananas clumped together.  They enjoy tree ripened bananas from their yard about ten months of the year. They sent us home with two dozen delicious bananas - they have a rich flavor, are soft but not mealy. 

This morning, the son Richard came to the house with a loaf of homemade bread, brownies and lemonade.  About the same time, Elizabeth, mother of Johnny at school, delivered a bucket of Greek lemon chicken soup. It certainly is nice to have meals prepared for us, but the greater gift is the caring and support from one's heart. We might feel isolated at times, yet the simple kindness shared by neighbors this week creates those connections we long to have. By the way, everything is delicious! Thank You.

This morning, Sally was not in any condition to play role of active mom, so I stayed home until Goudy arrived about noon. (Thanks to Jessica and Heather for taking my classes) Their is a glimmer of hope that Sally is turning a corner as she did eat two bowls of hearty soup at dinner. We shall wait until tomorrow.

Good night and sweet dreams, M

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