Its official, winter has arrived in Monteverde. Well, its not quite Dec 21st, but people here call this new season, invierno, or winter. Just as November brings dramatic weather changes to the States, it has brought a significant change up on the mountain. The daily downpours finally ended last week and we woke one morning to the sound of wind blasting through the trees. Since then, it has been very windy, misty, and few degrees cooler. I actually put on a long sleeve shirt at school for an hour.
Tuesday was picture perfect. Blue skies, breezy about 70 degrees. After all that rain, I could almost feel the burst of new plant growth enshrouding the trails. Yesterday and today have been meteorological wonders for me as it appears that Monteverde sits directly under a dividing line of clouds or sun and a rainbow is a permanent feature in the daily sky. Sally has written in the past about rain in the back yard and blue skies in the front. The gusts of wind bring horizontal mist as the clouds dissipate overhead. To the East, clouds coming over the mountain ridge, to the West, clear skies. At one moment, everything glistens wet, but in another moment everything is wind dried.
It is quite comfortable, although a few locals are dressed in their warmest clothing, sweaters, hats and gloves. I was laughing with one mother today as she was sporting her hooded parker purchased at an 'American' clothing store. There are a few of these stores that sell slightly used clothing from the States. A side note, the words "American" or "America" in Latin America normally refer to North America, Central America and South America. One America means Nunavut to Patagonia and everything in between.
Its getting late, I need to wake early and prep for 7/8 math. All my math groups will have tests next week before the Thanksgiving break. No, it is not a national holiday in Costa Rica - just in gringo influenced Monteverde. No classes Thursday and Friday.
I hear the trees blowing in the wind, a few types of crickets chirping, and several dogs barking. Our windows are shut but the many little openings in the house allow drafts to refresh the indoor air. Signed M.
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