Its Tuesday night, about 8PM and I am the sole survivor in the house and have not yet succumbed to illness. Michael is finally over his congestion, John is still engaged in battle with his lower intestine and now Sally has been in bed for two days and has experienced her first fever since I've known her. It looks like the flu and it will just have to run its course as we address the symptoms with oatmeal, rice, thumberry leaf tea and guyabas. I think this is the greatest challenge since we've been here and we miss the comfort from family and close friends. People here have been helpful, and just like anywhere some are busier than others and some will ask if we need anything. Veronica, the mother of six year old Stuart, prepared for us a little care package of Alleve and thumberry tea leaves for making tea. I skipped the Tuesday faculty meeting today to take Michael home and pick up supplies at the local grocery. Sally was collapsed on the couch, John absorbed by a movie and Michael and I climbed trees in the pasture to pick guyabas.
To add to the illness yesterday, my frustration peaked as I called the utility to inquire about our lack of electricity. I was informed that I did not pay the bill, and pabaam, out go the lights. Yes, it was entirely my fault. I pleaded my case (sick family, flashlights are inadequate when dealing soiled child bottoms) with the woman on the other end. If I paid now, we will get power in the morning. Of course, nothing is easy and she could not accept credit card payment by phone. Fortunately, Stellas bakery was still open and I used their wifi to navigate the bank web site and pay my past dues. (Please don't tell any future creditors) By the time I returned home at 6PM, it was completely dark in the house and our last candle was pittering out. So, eliminating the option of opening the refrigerator, the boys and I brainstormed and decided on a dinner menu of chocolate oatmeal. It was a flashlight dinner for three, and then by Michael's reaction, a miracle took place. One of the dining room lights turned on. Funny thing, it wasn't much brighter than that last candle. Michael rejoices, "Oh my goodness, dad the light went on because you paid the money for the electrical bill!" "Let me check the bedroom dad, oh my, this one works too." And from room to room he went enjoying the power of electricity. We all settled down, consumed the meal, and listened to the wind roaring through the trees.
Yes, the weather pattern changed yesterday. For the past month, the air has been calm and Pacific moisture rolls quietly in from the west. The clouds build and dump on western Costa Rica each afternoon. Now, east winds are blowing over the mountains from the Caribbean. We should still get plenty of precipitation, but it won't be as intense or as predictable. I understand we will feel the winter here when the temps are in the upper 50s and wind driven rain pulls the heat out of everything. Someone commented about our drafty house that lacks a wood burning stove. We will wait for that experience.
Signed M
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