Any guesses as to how two four year olds will do on a four hour bus ride tomorrow? Should I mention it leaves Santa Elena at 6:30 a.m. And, if that is not an eye opener, I am sure the 'one rest-stop only' limitation, will be. I remember this from my venture into San Jose in October to see my doctor. It is time to see the doctor again and this journey, will be a family affair. I'm just hoping that once we board the bus, I don't hear the words 'pee pee' or 'poop' until we are at the rest stop (typically half way between MV and SJ). Hopefully the novelty of riding on a gigantic bus, swirving down a bumpy mountain road will peek their interest just enough to have them glued to the window rifling question after question at me and Mike to keep their mind off their bodily functions!
We have booked a hotel room in Escazu which is just outside of San Jose and is (from what I hear), quite upscale, so bring on the flushable toilet paper toilets :). The hotel has a pool so I'm banking on the weather cooperating so the boys can splash around and burn off some pent-up energy. We hope to hit the Children's Museum in San Jose as we hear it is quite good and enjoyable for little ones.
We'll head back on Sunday on the 2:30 bus, home by 7:00 p.m. to enjoy our last full week of the Christmas vacation before school kicks in the the following week.
Coco is still on the loose, leash and all, although his leash is now just 1/2 of what he darted out the pasture with a couple of days ago. I surmise he got caught up in something and broke loose with only a little of the tattered leash now flailing in the wind beside him. We are thankful that he is coming back home for his morning meal and even slept outside the first night. I have had absolutely no success luring him into the house...I've never seen a more timid or skiddish dog. Even my attempts at leaving a trail of cheese which then leads to a juicy bone Veronica got from the butcher..leaves me empty handed. Coco's foster mom, Mercedes, who is returning tomorrow from a quick trip to see her family in San Jose, is hopeful that Coco will come to her....I sure hope so, as I have been quite stressed about this and have the dark circles and bags under my eyes to prove it. I'll keep everyone updated on Coco. Luckily Coco was 'fixed' last week at the Vet so he is not adding to the stray dog problem we have here in Monteverde. Coco, Please Come Home!
We had a great day at the Ranario with Veronica and Stuart earlier in the week. Think of it as a Frog Exhibit; also a very neat open butterfly garden. A definite visit in February when mom, dad and Beth are in-town. We leave you some pictures from this week as we have to finish packing and get some shut-eye.
One last comment - we also took in the Bat Jungle this week which is just a stones-throw up the road from Stella's Bakery - who knew there were so many different variations of bats???
Peace to all for a blessed New Year.
Signed: S
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