Saturday, July 25, 2009

To Purge, To Liberate

Tremendous purge and pack progress has been made these past few days in the little green house. Many smiling drivers with van loads, car loads, or wagon loads of things have rolled away from our house. It has been a win-win as we would much rather have our things be put to good use than sit in a lonely storage room. The whole move would be much different if we were throwing things in boxes to be unpacked in a different home next week. We are taking only suitcases to CR and storing our remaining possessions while the move date approaches. So, more thoughts on stuff: Our things have consumed us! They bring pleasure to our minds and bodies. They trigger memories, they can be manipulated, they help us connect with others, they help us prepare and serve food, they keep us warm and dry, they teach and entertain us and help keep us sane. Things might also distract us.

The purge process is resulting in a greater awareness of my strong connection with some physical things and causes me to reflect on how I might better spend my energies. It is easy to become complacent about important relational and social issues when a few possessions become a priority. Unfortunately, as I mentioned recently, 80% of my time is consumed with making decisions about physical objects but fortunately, the quantity of stuff in our personal possession is being reduced. If I attempt to prevent possessions from possessing me, I must learn to detach from them. We are learning more about detachment from possessions these days and it feels LIBERATING! We continually question why we haven't purged to this extent before or how did we possibly accumulate an Amvets trailer worth of give-aways that we now do not miss. We often hear someone say 'you can't take it with you', well that is almost our situation, unless we are willing to spend a chunk of cash to ship things to Costa Rica. 

The egocentric mind of a three year has a different view of things, but this transition has been a growing experience for our children as well. We explain that many of our clothes and toys have been given to us through the generosity of others and now it is our turn to pass them on to someone else who can use them. They understand that we are taking turns using things and it soon will be time for another family to live in the little green house and ride bikes on the sidewalk. They know that someone else will enjoy the yellow picnic chairs, swimming pool and small yellow car with the orange bottom. Surprisingly, they are usually OK with it, but if you have experience with preschoolers, you know their giving attitude can change with the wind. 

Its another late night, past midnight now and tomorrow will come with more stretching.

Signed M

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