Early wake up and the boys were raring to go and out on the patio exploring by 6:30 a.m. They got up close and too personal with a plant with an orange flower and then the itching began. Benedryl was handy, so they both got a healthy swig of that and then into the shower to scrub down. Itching subsided quickly --- needless to say, they will stay clear of that flower surely in the days to come.
7:30 a.m. found us making popsicles – Mike was forward thinking when he packed the popsicle kit. We used fruit we had purchased from the farmer’s market (mangos, papaya and watermelon). The boys had a great time guiding me through the process as Dad spent lots of time back in Chicago making smoothies with them. In the freezer by 8:00 a.m. and we were off and running. There is a decent blender at the house, so no mashing or stirring required. What I did not count on was the novelty of making them – the boys must have opened up the freezer 20 times checking to see if the mush had frozen. Todavia No! – not yet!
By 8:30, Goudy and O’deilla stopped by to say hello and I confirmed with Goudy that I could use her help at 10 this morning after she finishes across the field with our neighbors. Goudy is a very vivacious young gal, full of life and one that likes to talk (which is great, as I got 4 hours of Spanish with her today as she cleaned all the windows in the house (there are many, so I welcomed her help). The boys enjoyed her animation and gentleness and wanted her close as they snuggled in mom and dad’s bed while she was over us reaching high for those windows. I broke into my story telling and by the end of the first one, Michael had asked her to rub his ear and John was clinging tight to her. I had fun recounting scary stories, both in Spanish and then restating in English. Goudy will tackle the outside of the windows tomorrow…I’ll await her visit.
Attention Auntie Beth - Happy to report that the fire pit is now completed. While John napped, Michael and I wandered past Bromelias and gathered the remaining stones to line the fire pit. Mission accomplished, now all we need is the marshmallows!
Shortly after John awoke, two energetic boys poked their heads through our dutch-door (hey there, are your boys up for a game of soccer?) . We quickly got a lesson in the game, as Kyle is quite an expert at only 8 years of age. Unfortunately, John, Michael and I got creamed, but it was great fun. Interrupted by a phone call - I would soon be greeted by another neighbor lady who had baked brownies and would be making the trek through the pasture shortly to deliver them to our doorstep. She is a dear elderly lady which I would like to get to know better. The boys eyes brightened with the site of treats, so in we went for a quick snack before we resumed our game. I am thrilled that the boys are meeting some playmates (some older and some younger, some bi-lingual, some not (solo espanol). Kyle seems wise beyond his years, with confidence oozing out from the inside. He attends the Friends School so likely we will see more of him. As we await sturdy rope from the U.S. to repair our tree swing, Kyle quickly improvised - moving a stump so the boys could still swing (relatively safe for now)
Mike returned from school about 5 p.m. with fresh milk, yogurt and cheeses from the Guindon farm which he ordered at the Quaker meeting yesterday. We enjoyed the cheeses tonight at dinner.
Tomorrow, more of the same? Would we be so lucky?
P.S. - Eddie - the boys enjoyed a lolly pop from the stash you told us to pack away in our luggage...they screamed your name when I presented a choice of green vs. red - Green won out today!
Signed: S
I'm so glad to have found your blog. My husband, daughter and I are making our big move in Sept. to San Ramon, Costa Rica. It's nice to keep in touch with other people that have made the same transition.