Thank you to those of you who have expressed interest in helping fund the tuition for Loandry so he may continue to attend Kinder at La Creativa (formal name is Centro de Educación Creativa). I am enclosing the link to the school; aka The Cloud Forest School. www.cloudforestschool.org
The Cloud Forest School is twice the size of the Monteverde Friends School where Mike teaches and focuses it’s emphasis on the environment. It came about as an alternative to the Friends School as MFS has a discreet number of students…clearly the demand was greater than what the school could offer from an enrollment perspective, thus the idea for an alternative school in the area was born.
I am speechless as to the generosity and the willingness to help such a kind and gentle family. Loandry loves to play soccer and simply adores anything having to do with dinosaurs! He enjoys eating beans and rice made by his Grandmother, who raised his mom Goudy. He has a smile that can light up a room and is a wonderful playmate to our boys. They live in San Luis which is another village about 7 km from Monteverde. John and Michael get a kick out of Goudy’s motorcycle and they are quite jealous that Loandry gets to ride on back – this is their main mode of transportation!
I will call the school this week to inquire about the protocol and logistics of setting up a fund or direct deposit to the school so any transactions can be done without me as the middle-man.
The offer to help is a huge gift; and will bring hope to a family for the continued education of this little one.
More to come on this – stay tuned!
Signed: S
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