The movers showed up around 9:30 Monday morning and we were all surprised at how smooth the day went. I kept the boys occupied at the neighbors while Chris and I relaxed on their back deck (thanks Laheta’s),! The boys enjoyed jumping on their trampoline. The storage unit was full to capacity; however the house still had ‘stuff’ in every room which then went to my sisters for further inspection and disposition. (Take, Leave or Ask her to Store). We had hoped to be out of the house by 1 PM, but did not give our final wave to the little green house until 5 pm. With a toot of the horn…off we went to my sisters for our last evening on US turf. We then spent from 6 PM to 2:30 a.m. deciding on what HAD to go and what could be left behind as “decoration” in Beth’s house ☺.
A wake up call at 3:30 a.m. to ready for the taxi driver at 4:30…dreading getting the boys out of deep sleeps, much to my amazement, they awoke in excellent moods, ready to meet the day head on…would it last the next two plane rides? By the time we reached Charlotte for our connecting flight to Costa Rica, things turned ugly…and
the rest, I will leave to your imagination. (5 tired passengers, another four hour plane ride, kicking seats in front of us, missing the toilet seats in the lavoratory, temper tantrums (not just from the boys) and then finally hearing the call for a mechanic to open the plane door as we wait to repair the jet-way.) Through immigration, unexpected swine flu papers to fill out and then finding a vehicle large enough to transport our ‘world’ to Allejuela for a night before heading up the mountain. First wake up call that we were in foreign country…no car seats. The boys were free to roam much to Mommy’s dismay. Finally we reach the hotel and had we known, we would have sent out a warning “The Schaefers have arrived…there will be no sleeping tonight!” Flush toilets, YES, toilet paper down them…NO WAY JOSE! We ventured out to a local market for dinner and sat down at the Parque Central so the kids could release some pent-up energy. They frolicked in the courtyard and enjoyed chasing pigeons and playing in the fountain.
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