Little by Little indeed!
Friday was a tough day, I knew the minute our feet hit the trail to the school that it was going to be a challenging afternoon. As I escorted the boys into their classroom, Michael had a strong hold on my legs…John followed suit which was uncharacteristic for him…’monkey see, monkey do’ perhaps. After 30 minutes of trying to get the boys comfortable so I could slip out, we decided that best if I ask for help from the teachers and leave it with them. Not a pretty site as I left (Mike could here the well-known scream of John from his classroom just across the patio and upstairs, talk about a concentration buster!). Michael settled down quickly with a book, John however fell asleep after about 20 minutes of screaming. I found him fast asleep still on some pillows when I returned several hours later to collect them. Miss Melody and Miss Elioth assured me that it is a process and it will take time for the boys to adjust (little by little) – clearly they are needing a nap in the afternoon (which they are not getting as school begins at noon), especially since we are all rising at 5 or 5:30 a.m. Miss Melody shared with me that they may have the kids start out in the play-yard this coming week which will be more of a diversion then having the parents escort them into the classroom. I can now understand why the teachers at Seton Montessori in CH met the child at the car and requested that the parents not get out of their vehicles. As Miss Elioth reminded me….poco a poco! Bless the teachers!
We received the packages from my mom and dad Friday – so it is about an 8 day journey to send something from the states (not too bad). I actually saw the packages in route as I was walking the kids that morning – a motorcycle with three packages on the back (I thought to myself, could this be our packages?). The boys were so excited to receive packages that they carried them all the way home from school and busted them open as soon as we set foot in the house. Happily, the tree swing is back up – and holding strong. The peanut butter granola bars; a huge hit and we’ve already broken in the Old Maid, Matching game and Go Fish Cards 100 times over. Thanks Pop and Chop!
Friday night it was off to La Colina Lodge for a dinner with other members from the community. It was a great night, delicious food and AH, a nice cold margarita to boot! The kids had fun with the other little ones watching TV in the lobby (first in a month) and chasing the 40+ animals. The boys thought it a real adventure walking home at 8 p.m. in total darkness only to the light of our two flashlights. The darkness here is like no where else…black as black can be.
Up early on Saturday and at the Farmers Market by 8 a.m. A delightful couple from Vermont was kind enough to lift us to the market – they have been here for 7 years, and are in the process of buildng a house. Their initial thought was to visit for several months... years later here they still are….apparently this place gets under your skin.
We had a very impromptu dinner with our neighbors (the School director, his wife and little girl) – It was nice to connect and to get to know them better…a very peaceful / gentle couple The boys were very rambunctious and unfortunately saw the inside of their bedrooms a couple of times that night.
We attended an afternoon tea on Sunday at school given by the boy’s teachers – it was a nice event where we were able to learn more about the structure of the classroom, their methods and to meet the other students and their families. Each family was asked to bring a snack / drink to pass – lots of yummie treats to fuel the boys for the afternoon. I was simply proud that I understood the entire presentation and enjoyed talking afterward with some of the parents. The boys got into an impromptu game of soccer in the play-yard. I am hopeful that this coming week will be less of a challenge for the boys and that they will want me to get out of their hair so they can settle into their class and get down to business. I think the Sunday get-together helped build confidence and forge relationships with their teachers. A very peaceful and calming place. It is so nice to have time to visit and converse and not be 'by the clock', continually checking calendars or blackberries to see what's next on the To Do List. Everyone continues to be very welcoming.
I continue to enjoy my hour of running and sacrifice fashion as is quite evident in this lovely pic! An old sheet ripped by yours truly to keep the sweat out of my eyes. One plus on living here is that I have not worn a stitch of make-up in a month – so I am sure the little I brought with me will expire before I break it out! Although I do continue to shave my legs – there are a few things I just can’t part with yet.
For those of you that think you shouldn't save your zip lock bags...you really should. Zip lock bags and any bag for that matter are real treasures here. I now wash them out and hang them up with the laundry to dry outside. re-use..re-use...re-use. Most, if not all products we've purchased, for example, coffee, cereal come in bags with no re-seal ability (and tear all the way down when trying to open) so we re-use any bag that can hold up to the wash and rewash and the outside elements.
Signed: S
I see....just like Clarendon Hills, that underwear is still the favorite item, and only item that the boys like to wear. At least the whole neighborhood can't see!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful picture...it tells sooo much!