My first thought upon arriving at the “little brown house” was ….Whoa… this is truly paradise. An enormous front yard to run and play in, a pasture below to climb trees, and stand of tall pines beyond that and views to take the breath away. Once we surveyed the yard it was time to check out the little brown house and I must say I had a deju vu moment of being 11 years old again and shipped off to summer camp to survive with my plastic holder for my soap, my one towel, that would never quite dry, the feeling of sand, dirt and squished bugs ever present in my bed, and the memory stirring scent of damp blankets and wood! In a word….rustic. Now I know how Dorothy felt…..I don’t think I’m in Clarendon Hills anymore. To tag onto an earlier blog YES there is running water but only cold in the sink to wash dishes. Yes there is hot water in the shower but only on odd days when there is a crescent moon and the temperature reached 26 degrees celsious. To be sure there will be challenges in living in Monte Verde. The closest grocery store is a good half hour walk up steep hills and down even sharper drops. Which side of the road to walk on was determined by which upcoming turn (and there are many) afforded me the best view to on coming traffic. Oh that’s another thing. Traffic is taxis, horses, or the ubiquitous four wheelers or dirt bikes which seem the preferred mode of travel by the locals and the one best suited for the steep hills and rutted roads.
I learned quickly how to say “café con leche por favor, as the machine at the house never heated the water enough to deliver enough caffeine to truly wake me up. No matter though, as I found a lovely little bakery with hot java a stones through from the house. I saw a tarantula as we were clearing some logs to make a fire pit, heard the thundering of hooves in the front yard one evening at dusk as 3 horses appeared out of no where, and mistook a Cane toad for a squirrel! I saw hummingbirds, and beetles, and mist, and clouds….and I didn’t even have to leave the front porch of the house! Imagine the wildlife and animals beyond the front door. I met people of all nationalities that had moved their families here for a chance to live a more full and authentic life leaving behind the trappings we all think we cannot do without. After only a few days ….I realize how possible it is to do more with less. I saw surreal mountains with waterfalls, tranquil pastures and felt a peace of the outdoors, and release from the to do list, no need to no what time it was and an exhaustion at the end of the day, not from frayed nerves and stress of my normal day but from being outdoors each day and taking in all that a country life has to offer.
As I sit outdoors today near San Jose waiting for my flight home I have a new appreciation and admiration for what my family is doing. The courage and faith in one another to take this leap and embrace this new adventure is inspiring. While I will miss them all terribly I know they have found and been welcomed into a community that has already embraced them and will help them on their way. Until I see the “green mountain” again, Adios and muchas gracias for a most breathtaking and grounding experience. Signed Auntie B.
Auntie are a brave soul! What an adventure! Sounds like it is one step up from camping in a tent...I am at least a two star hotel person! God love them all down in CR! Thanks for sharing Auntie B!